Chapter 4

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Obi-Wan's POV

We arrived back at the Jedi Temple and went to a diner Alli and I went to as padawans, "I have an old friend who might be able to help us with this our little dart." I said to Alli. "Whenever you say old friend it's bad news." Alli said. "Since when?" She gave me a look, "Our mission alone as Padawans I have an old friend who help us out but we almost died." She said. "Okay I will give you that one." Zealand snickered which we both sent him a look, "Sorry." He said looking away.

Alli shook her head as we walked into the diner as we did a familiar voice called out, "Obi-Wan!" Dex called. "Hello Dex." "Dex?" Alli asked standing next to me. "Alli Stark." Alli smiled at Dex, "Take a seat I'll be right with the both of ya." We went over to a table, "You wanna cup of o'jawa juice?" A waitress asked Zealand. "Yes please." "Make it three." I said.

We sat at a table when Dex walked over, "Hey old buddies." Dex said hugging us. "Who's this?" Dex asked pointing at Zealand. "Uh this is my padawan Zealand Maxioff." Alli said. Zealand stood up shaking his hand, "Nice to meet you Mr. Dex." Zealand said. "Aw no Mr. Dex just Dex boy." Dex said hugging him but Zealand was caught off guard. Dex let him go which we sat down, "What can I do for you old friends?" Dex asked us. "You can tell us what this is." I said showing him the dart. "Well whattaya know. I ain't seen one of these since I was prospectin' on Subterrel." "That's beyond the outer rim." Zealand said taking the juice and drinking it. "The boy is right." Dex said.

"Can you tell me where it comes from?" I asked. "This baby belongs to them cloners. What you both got here is a Kamino saberdart." Alli looked at Dex, "I wonder why it didn't show up in the analysis archives." Alli said as she looked at Zealand. "Can I have more juice?" He asked Dex. Alli held her glass to him, "Thanks." Zealand said and looked at the dart. "See the cuts on the side here Masters that how you can tell it's a saberdart analysis droids focus mainly on symbols." Zealand said showing Alli and I. Dex laughed, "I should think that you Jedi would habe more respect for the difference netween knowledge and....." "Wisdom." Zealand said. Dex laughed, "I like you boy. You remind me of Alli when she was a padawan." Dex said. "Well if droids could think there'd be none of us here would there?" Alli sassed at Zealand.

"Kamino not familiar with it." I said. "Is it in the Republic." "No, no it's beyond the outer rim I'd say about I don't remember." Dex said. "Twelve parsecs outside the Rishi Maze." Zealand said. Alli sent him the we're talking later look, "Should be easy to find even for those droids in your archives." Dex said. I held my drink to Alli since Zealand was drinking her's, "These uh Kaminoans keep to themsleves." "They're cloners. Damn good ones too." "Cloners? Are they friendly?" I asked. Alli looked at me like did you seriously just ask that, "Oh depends." "Depends on what Dex?" Alli asked. "On how good your manners are and how big your pocketbook is." Dex said chuckling. We finished up, "Hey you Zealand." Dex said. Zealand stopped as a waitress handed a togo cup, "What's this?" "Is this the o'jawa juice?" Alli asked Dex who chuckled nodding. "Thank you." Zealand said.

I looked at Alli, "He's so made for you." I whispered pointing at Zealand. "Zealand how do you know so much about....." Alli was saying. "I grew up out there for three years my mom and dad split I went with mom which was Naboo and soon I was found Jedi council and now am a padawan." He said like it's no big deal. Alli and I looked at him, "What?" "You said that like it's no big deal." I said. "Oh I tell people all the time my sad story and it makes them feel bad." He said as we walked to the library. "Please don't be like me. Please be like me." Alli said. "Would you rather have him be like Anakin?" I asked her. "Oh god he's gonna another Anakin isn't he?" Alli asked me. "Probably love." Alli whined and put her head on my shoulder which made me laugh.

We walked inside and got to work Zealand tried to talk to the librarian in a nice way but she turned him away, "I know it's out there." Zealand said. "I know one more person who could help." Alli said. I looked at her, "My old master chill Ben." "Ben?" Zealand asked. "No you can't call me that only she can call me that." I said. "Yes Master Kenobi." Zealand said.

We walked back to the Jedi Temple and followed Alli into the temple to Yoda's younglings class. Alli and I smiled watching, "Remember being like that?" I asked Alli. "Don't remind me makes me feel old." She said. Before Zealand say anything, "Don't say anything sarcastic." Alli and I said pointing at him. We walked into the class, "Yonglings!" Yoda called. They all turned to him, "Visitors we have." Yoda said. "Hello Masters Obi-Wan and Alli." "Hello." We said. "We're sorry to disturb you Master." Alli said. "What help can I be Alli? Hmm?" Yoda asked. "We're looking for a planet describe to us by an old friend. We trust him but our systems don't show on the archive maps." Alli explained to her old master. "Mmm lost planet Masters Alli and Obi-Wan have how embarrassing." Yoda said which made the younglings giggled, "How embarrassing." They giggled again, "Liam the shades." A little youngling named Liam drew the shades.

"Gather round the map reader clear your mind and find Masters Alli and Obi-Wan's wayward planet we will." Yoda said to the younglings. We walked around looking, "Should be right over there." Alli said pointing at the spot. "But it isn't." "Gravity is pulling all the stars in the area towards the spot." She said walking over. "Hmm gravity silhouette remains but the star and all the planets disappear they have how can this be?" Yoda asked. A girl yongling raised her hand, "Leah." "Because someone erased it from the archive memory." "The padawan is right. Go to the center of gravity's pull and find your planet you will." Master Yoda said.

We walked out of the class with him, "The data must have been erased." "Zealand can you..." I was saying when he held the map reader to me. "Thanks." I said. "Welcome." He said. "But Master who could empty information like that from the archives?" Alli asked. "That's impossible isn't it?" I asked. "Dangerous and disturbing this puzzle is only a Jedi could have erased those files but who and why harder to answer. Meditate on this I will."

He nodded as we walked away going to our ships, "I know the way just follow me." Zealand said. I looked at Alli, "Trust me Master Kenobi I'll get us there safely." I climbed into mine with R4 while Alli climbed into her's with R3, "Alright Masters just put autopilot on me and we'll get there safely." Zealand said which we did and flew to Zealand's home aka also our missing planet.

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