Chapter 6

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Obi-Wan's POV

Alli and I ran up as there was an explosion and we saw Zealand fighting Jango, "God dang it Zealand." Alli mumbled. We ran out just as both Jango and Zealand went over the ledge, "Zealand!" Alli yelled going to grab him. "This isn't good." Zealand said as he slid down. "Zealand." All and I both said. Alli looked around and found Zealand's lightsaber, "Zealand hold on!" I called to the Padawan. "Kinda hard to do that!" He yelled. I watched a Jango cut the line sending Zealand down. I took off running, "Ben!" Alli called to me. I ran inside as I saw Zealand hanging, "Zealand." I said. Alli ran out to the both of us, "Zealand swing yourself here we'll catch you." Alli said which he did. He jumped over Alli caught his arm which I caught Alli. I pulled the both of them to me as we ran back to where Jango's ship took off, "Dang it." I mumbled but Alli threw something.

"Are you okay?" Alli asked Zealand. "I am fine." Zealand said. "You scared me Zealand of you would've died I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." Alli said looking at him. "You've only known me for a few hours." Zealand said. "You have a future as a Jedi Z I don't want you getting hurt ever I care for you okay." She said to him. He nodded, "I am sorry Master." Alli grabbed the boy bringing him in for a hug, "I am sorry for yelling." She said. He hugged her back as I looked at Alli with a smile. She's always been like that a tough but soft person.

"Are you alright Master Kenobi?" Zealand asked. "Besides you losing your lightsaber and the minor heart attack you gave me fine." I said. He chuckled, "I am sorry for worrying you both Masters." "Just don't do anything like that again okay?" I asked him. "Yes sir." He said. "What'd you throw on his ship?" Zealand asked Alli. "Trackers so each of our droids will be able to pick up on him." Alli said tossing one in the air. We nodded as we went to our ships and went to find Jango.

Once we did he let out some seismic charges, "Seismic charges stand by." I said into the headset to both Alli and Zealand. We followed him Alli having no problem dodging the charges and asteroids, "This is why I hate flying." Zealand and I both said. "Just follow my flight pattern R3 can program you guys into the automatic mode." Alli said. We lost him real quick and were looking when someone shot at the three of us, "At least it's not Anakin flying." Alli said. "I'll agree there." I said. "Um Masters there's three rockets on us." Zealand said. "Split up." Alli said which we did.

Once the rockets exploded we went our different ways and watched Jango's ship go towards the planet, "Everyone okay?" I asked. "Sorta." Alli and Zealand said. I chuckled at the two of them as we waited a while, "Well boys I think we've waited long enough." Alli said which we took off going towards where Jango's ship was tracked. "Masters look over there." Zealand said. We looked seeing a lot of Federation ships, "Unusual amount of Federation ships are there Masters." He said. "Good eye young padawan." Alli said. "Thank you." "R3 take note of that." Alli's droid made beeping noises as we landed and climbed out of our ships and walked up a path.

We stopped at a cliff, "Hey where do these steps go?" Zealand asked pointing at some steps leading to an opening in the cliff. "Up." Alli sassed. I shook my head at her as we walked in which looks like a temple, "This is weird." Zealand said. There was a noise that sounds like machines, "You hear that?" I asked. "I don't hear it but sense it." Alli said as they followed me. We looked watching them building battle droids, "This isn't good." Zealand said. Alli shook her head when there was talking and we followed the voices hiding in the shadows, "We must persuade the Commerce Guild and the Cooperate Alliance to sign the treaty." A man's voice came. "What about the senator of Naboo is she dead yet?" A voice by Viceroy was heard.

Alli and I looked at each other knowing that voice, "I am not signing your treaty until I have her head on my desk." He said. We backed up in the shadows more, "I am a man of my word Viceroy." A man's voice came. "With these new battle droids we've built for you you'll have the finest army in the galaxy." We kept following them in the shadows this time from above, "Who's the guys with the red eyes and orange dress?" Zealand whispered in our ears. "Viceroy he's got something against Padme." Alli whispered back to him.

He nodded and once we heard enough went back to our ships but the transmitter on any of our ships Alli was working on, "The transmitter is working but there's no signal which means Coruscant's too far away." Alli said looking at us. "R3 can you boost the power?" Alli asked her droid but he made a beeping noise. "We'll have to try something else." I said. "What about Anakin on Naboo it's a lot closer." Zealand said.

I climbed in my ship and tried to get to Anakin, "Anakin? Anakin do you copy this is Obi-Wan Kenobi Anakin?" I asked. "He's not on Naboo." I said. "I am going to try to widen the range." Alli said. "I do hope nothing's happened to him." I said looking at Alli. "Me too." She said. We waited, "Found Anakin he's on Tatoonie." Alli said looking at me. "What is he doing there?" Zealand asked. "A good question because we told him to stay on Naboo." Alli said looking at me and Zealand. "We haven't gotten much time Anakin? Anakin do you copy this is Obi-Wan Kenobi." I said and tried getting a message out to Anakin hoping he'll get this before it's too late.

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