The Truth?

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Y/N's Pov

I was startled awake by my alarm. "Ugh...five more minutes..." I slowly reached over to my nightstand and snoozed my alarm. I turned back over and snuggled into my blankets. "So warm..." I finally started to doze back to sleep when my alarm went off again. I huffed as I got up and switched off the alarm. "I guess I'll just get up."

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I dried my hair and did some simple makeup. Nothing too crazy for my office job. I made a slice of toast for breakfast and headed out the door.

I was actually going to be on time today so long as I could get on a train right away. I really wanted today to be a great day. It was my older sister's birthday, and we were taking a trip to a hot spring and I did not want to be in a bad mood from work.

I was able to slide into the train at the last second. I sighed a sigh of relief as I was crammed with the crowd of people on the train. It was roughly a 30-minute train ride to my office from my apartment.

I started to daydream about my upcoming weekend with my sister. I hadn't been to a hot spring in years. I was so excited for the food and the relaxation and the quality time with my sister. Ever since she got married a few years back we started seeing each other less and it got even worse when she had a baby, so I was tickled pink to see her.

I managed to squeeze out of the train at my stop and make my way to my office building. I worked on the 11th floor in the accounting office. Being born without a quirk I decided to take on an office position as being a hero would be an obvious no go for me.

I made my way up the elevator and into the office and into the women's changing room to change into my uniform. They had us wearing the hideous royal blue vests with matching skirts.

I made my way out of the changing room and sat down at my desk. My boss was out of the office today, so everyone was rather relaxed.

My coworker Yamamoto Nakamaro kicked his feet up onto his desk. "Ahhh what a great start to a weekend! An easy day at work followed by drinks at the bar!" He leaned back in his chair and looked over to me. "So, y/n, will you be joining us?"

I settled into my chair and flipped on my computer. I laid back into my own chair and relaxed "Sorry but no. I will be going on a hot spring vacation with my big sister for her birthday this weekend."

He raised his eyebrows and got a flirtatious look. "Oh ho ho a hot spring! Is it a shared bath?"

I rolled my eyes. Yamamoto was always a flirt. "Sorry but no it's not, and besides my sister is married."

A cheeky grin grew across his face. "Oh but you aren't, y/n. How about it? Wanna join me in a hot spring?"

I sarcastically laughed "Nice try, Yamamoto, but no."

He shrugged "Well I had to try."

I brushed him off and got to work. The faster I finished my work the faster I would be able to go home.

I stretched as I got out of my office chair and did a little skip as I headed to the women's changing room. I felt like a teenager again with how excited I was for this trip. I waved goodbye to my coworkers as I entered the elevator and texted my sister saying I was leaving the office and would be home soon for her to pick me up.

I exited the main lobby to find a crowd of people huddled around someone. From the top of the steps I could see some fluffy green hair poking from the center of the crowd. I recognized it instantly, it was Deku! He must have just saved someone for there to be this kind of crowd surrounding him.

If there weren't so many people I would totally go and get his autograph, he is my favorite hero after all, but there were so many people and I needed to get going. I let out a disappointing sigh as I headed toward the station. Maybe someday I will meet him.

I got onto the next train and even got my hands on a handrail, this was truly a great day! I never get the handrail! It was packed per the norm due to the office rush going home, but with-it being Friday it wasn't as full.

I got a text from my sister telling me she was at my apartment and for me to hurry up. I rolled my eyes, I can't make the train move faster.

I finally got to my stop and headed home. I moved at a quicker pace than normal. If there was one thing you didn't want to do it was making my sister angry. Her car was parked outside of my apartment complex and her impatiently pacing.

She saw me approaching and waved excitingly "Y/N! You're here! Finally!" She ran up to me and we hugged.

We were acting like giddy teenage girls who haven't seen each other in ages. "I'm sorry! I couldn't make the train move faster! I'll run up and grab my bag and we can go, okay?"

She let out an annoying sigh. "Ugh fine! But hurry!"

I ran up the steps and grabbed my bag and headed back down and got into her car. "I am so excited! I have been looking forward to this trip for ages!"

She got into the driver seat and buckled in. "You're telling me! I can't wait to get away from diapers and bottles! I have needed this for so long!"

She put the car into drive and drove off. I decided to take a nap till we got there. She was a bit annoyed with me, but she understood that I was tired from work. She shook me awake when we arrived at the hot spring hotel.

I stretched and got out of the car. "I am so hungry! How about you?"

She pulled out our bags from the car and handed me mine. "Me? Hungry? Uh always!"

We walked into the lobby and checked in. My sister approached the host. "Hello, I am Naoko, we are staying for the weekend." The host handed us our keys and let us know that we made it just in time for dinner and to hurry down.

We ran up to our room and threw our bags in and ran back downstairs. Food at hot spring hotels was the best! We were so excited.

The host showed us to the dining room, and we kneeled down at the table. We clapped our hands together "Itadakimasu!" We dug right in.

Naoko took a big bite out of a dumpling. "Hey do you remember those ancestry DNA tests we did a while back?"

I had to think for a moment. "Oh yeah! What ever happened to that?"

She sat up and got an excited grin. "They finally came in! I figured we could look at them while we soaked."

I nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a good idea to me."

We slowly made our way upstairs. Both of us definitely ate too much. Once we got to our room we changed out of our clothes and slipped on the robes they provided for us.

We headed to the women's bath. We left our robes and slippers in some cubbies and got in the water.

Naoko brought the test results with her. "Are you ready to see the results?" She held them up with a big smile.

"Sure am!" We leaned over the cold rocks to prevent the paper from getting wet.

She opened the envelope and scanned the paper. Her smile faded. "What?" She re read the paper. "That can't be!"

I leaned over her. A wave of worry flooded me. "What? What is it?"

She turned and looked at me. "This says we have different fathers."

Different Fathers? How could that be?

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