A New Friend

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I can't believe it! It was Deku! 'Play it cool, y/n, play it cool. I'm sure he wants to be treated like a normal person when he's not working.' I thought to myself.

He laughed a bit and picked up the notebook. He handed it to me. "No, no, you take it. I can find another one."

I took the notebook from him. "T-thank you, but you don't have to."

He looked a bit embarrassed. "No I insist." He picked up another plain green notebook from the shelf. "I'm sorry, you were already reaching for the notebook when I started to. I should have noticed."

I could feel my cheeks getting red. I will admit that I was a Deku simp, but I never thought I would even be able to say a word to him. "It's alright, really. I guess we are just lucky that they have more than one."

He laughed again. "I suppose. I'm sorry for the trouble though. I hope you can forgive me."

I giggled "It's no trouble, really." I gave him a little wave and turned to check out. I picked a set of pens and set both items on the counter. I handed the clerk my card to pay for the items.

She handed me my receipt and I left the store. As I was leaving my phone went off, it was my sister. "Hey, Naoko, you make it home okay?"

She sounded frantic "Are you really going to try and find your birth father?"

I started walking towards home "yeah, but I think it's going to be harder than I thought. I actually just met one of the possible prospects."

"What? How did it go?" She sounded so excited.

I sighed "uhh well it didn't go well, but I'm trying to not let it bring me down. There's another 15 men named Toshinori Yagi in this city alone."

I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned to see Deku. "Did you say Toshinori Yagi?" He had a concerned look.

Oh no, this looks bad. He probably thinks I'm a villain or something considering All Mights real name was also Toshinori Yagi. "Uh I'll talk to you later!" I quickly hung up the phone. "Uh yes I did, but it's not what you think."

He gave me a suspicious look and crossed his arms. "So what is it I'm thinking of then?"

Oh no, he was even more suspicious now! "Well uh you see I just found out my father isn't really my father and my real fathers name is Toshinori Yagi and there are like 16 Toshinori Yagi's in this town alone. So if I want to find my birth father, I have to contact them all separately because the DNA testing we did won't give out that information due to confidentiality reasons." I was stammering my words out so fast I hoped he understood all of that.

"Woah woah woah, slow down" he held up his hands for me to stop. "So let me get this straight. Your real father is a man named Toshinori Yagi, but if you want to contact him you have to talk to all of the Toshinori Yagis out there to find him?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, that's correct." I sighed and looked down at the ground. "I know it's going to be a long shot, but I have to give it a try, right?" I looked back up at him. "I even have the results from the DNA testing to prove that that's what I'm doing." I started to rummage through my bag and pulled out the results and handed them to him. "Sorry they're a bit crumpled."

He took the paper from my hands and looked it over. "Why don't you hire a private eye?"

I sighed. "I don't have that kind of money right now, and I probably never will."

He was still scanning the paper. "You know All Mights name is Toshinori Yagi." He took his attention away from the paper and back at me.

I blushed at him looking directly at me. "Yeah, I know that, but I highly doubt that All Might got with my mom at a drunken party 25 years ago, and besides I would have most like inherited his quirk and I didn't. Actually I didn't inherit any quirk so that makes it much harder."

He looked shocked. "You don't have a quirk?"

I shook my head. "Nope. I come from a line of powerful electrical quirks and I got none of it. I remember my Pop-Pop always said I was a bad egg."

He looked disgusted at that last remark. "That's an awful thing to say! It doesn't matter if you have a quirk or not, all that matters is if you're a good person. Some of the most powerful people out there are some of the worst people you'll ever meet."

I shrugged. "I never took it to heart, mostly because I didn't know what he meant till I was 12 or 13."

There was an awkward pause. "So are you absolutely sure about this testing?" He gave me a questioning look.

I shrugged again. "I didn't at first but looking into the company they have yet to be wrong."

He scanned the paper once more. "Can I see that notebook you just bought?"

I pulled my new notebook out of my shopping bag. "Uh sure, but why?"

He pulled out a pen from his pocket and took the notebook from me. "If you ever find yourself without any leads call me. I know a few private eyes personally and they owe me a few favors." He wrote down his name and number on the first page and handed me back my notebook.

I took it back from him, trying not to make eye contact because I knew I was blushing. "Oh uh thank you, but why?"

His cautious attitude faded, and he got a bit sheepish. "Ah well uh y-you might need some help with that. Finding someone can be difficult." He avoided making eye contact with me. "And also with it being slightly connected to All Might I can't leave it. He was my teacher and all."

Of course he was concerned for All Might, everyone knew that they were close. "Oh uh okay, but I promise it's nothing bad and I would never be scheming anything."

He laughed again. "Well to be honest you don't look anything like a villain." We both laughed. "But I also wouldn't mind helping you. You look like someone I would like to be around."

My cheeks were flaming red. "R-really? M-me? I'm just an ordinary girl, an ordinary girl who isn't really that special... I don't even have a quirk to make me interesting."

I looked back at him and he got a bit of an annoyed look on his face. "You don't need a quirk to be interesting." He paused. "I can just tell that our personalities would go together well is all, and I bet you are anything but ordinary."

I got sheepish. "Oh well thank you." I paused "I should get going, but if I need help, I'll let you know." I held out my hand "My name is Y/n by the way."

He shook my hand. "Well, y/n it's very nice to meet you. I'm Izuku Midoriya, though you probably already knew that."

I giggled "Yes I did, but it's nice to formally meet you." We both laughed.

We looked into each other's eyes for a moment. It felt like I was being hypnotized by him and I couldn't look away. "You're right, it's nice to be formally introduced." He stammered

I gave him a gentle smile. "I should get going."

He looked a bit disappointed. "Oh, okay, but I'll see you again, right?"

"Of course, but can you let go of my hand?" I tried to wiggle my hand out of his.

He was visibly flustered "AH I'm sorry!" He let go of my hand.

Him being so flustered made me laugh. "I'll see you around, Midoriya" I waved and started to walk away.

He waved back "Yeah, see you around"

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