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Y/n's Pov

"I want to take you out, tonight." I blushed. Did he really want to take me out?

"I um, yeah, yeah I would like that." I nodded. I could tell that my face was redder than a cherry tomato.

"Great I will uh pick you up after patrol, okay." He gave me a sheepish smile before he ran off.

I walked up the rest of the steps into the building. I got into an elevator, thankfully I was the only one in it. As the doors shut, I let out a squeal of excitement. I needed to get my giggles out now before I got to the office.

The doors opened on my floor, the accounting office. I happily walked into the changing room and changed into my uniform. I started to daydream. I wonder where we are going to go, what we'll do? I looked into the mirror and my hair was a mess, probably from my surprise flight. I fixed it into a neater bun and headed out to my desk.

I sat down and got to work. I could hardly contain myself. My coworker, Yamamoto could tell that I was excited about something. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He started to tap his fingers on his desk.

I sat up and started to type frantically. "N-nothing!" He would never stop teasing me.

He pulled out his phone and pulled up a tabloid media page and showed it to me. "Nothing, huh? So this isn't you sharing a pastry with Deku?" he got a devious look.

I ripped the phone from his hands. "Damn, those reporters work fast!" I scrolled through the article.

"It says that you both deny being in a relationship, but the reporter says that you two looked at each other with "The loving eyes of a budding new relationship" Was the reporter wrong?" He was questioning me like a suspicious parent.

I rolled my eyes. "We are just friends." I paused "Friends who are going on a date tonight."

He slapped me on the back. "Y/n, you sly dog you! You finally got a date and with a hero none the less. How did you manage that?"

I sook my head. "I just met him, and we clicked. I had an eventful weekend, that's for sure."

He leaned in closer. "Oh? Well do tell. I love office gossip."

I pushed him away. "Well for starters I found out my father isn't really my father."

His jaw dropped. "Well that is definitely eventful news. How did you find that out?" He leaned back into his chair.

I opened one of the folders on my desk to start crunching my numbers. "My sister and I took one of those DNA tests a few months back and we just got the results. Turns out my birth father is a man named Toshinori Yagi. Problem is that there are 16 men named Toshinori Yagi in this city alone."

He pulled out his own numbers and started working. "Damn, that's going to make it hard to find him then. That is if you want to find him."

"I actually do want to find him, just to get some closure. Who knows if he will actually be a part of my life?" I took a sip of my coffee. "And it would be interesting to see the man my mother cheated on my father with."

We both laughed. "Well best of luck to ya on that, but that doesn't explain how you met Deku. Say do you think you could get me an autograph?"

I rolled my eyes again. "I don't want him to think I only like him because he's a hero. I actually like him."

He shrugged. "Okay, okay, but how exactly did you meet him?"

I sighed. "Well if you would stop interrupting me, I would get there." I gave him an irritated look.

"Sorry, keep going." He leaned back and waved me to continue.

"Thank you. Now I found that one of the Toshinori Yagis lived a few blocks away from me and I decided to ask him if he had a one-night stand 25 years ago. He got super mad at me and well he wasn't him. He only came to Musutafu ten years ago so there was no way that he was my father. I decided to stop and get a new notebook to keep notes on my encounters and that's where I met Deku." I giggled a little "We reached for the same notebook, it was something like out of a movie. After that as I was heading home, he heard me talking to my sister in the phone and I mentioned Toshinori Yagi, which happens to be All Mights name as well, it got Dekus attention and he stopped me. I told him my story and he gave me his number and well that's that."

He was wide eyed. "Wow so basically All Might could be your real father?"

I let out a sarcastic laugh. "Ha! I highly doubt that."

He slapped my back again. "Think about it, y/n, He is old enough and well to be honest now that you say it, I can see All Might in your face." He pointed a finger in my face.

I slapped his hand out of my face. "I look nothing like All Might, besides his quirk is so powerful, if he reproduced his kid would definitely get his quirk, and I am lacking any quirk."

He shrugged. "I dunno, y/n, I wouldn't detest the idea just yet."

I rolled my eyes at him and got back to work. I needed to finish my work in a timely manner today, I wouldn't want to be late for my date.

The day seemed to drag on, like my train ride earlier today. Excitement was my enemy today. I couldn't wait for tonight.

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