The Search Begins

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Our sisters weekend came to an end. I tried to enjoy myself for my sister sake, but it was hard. Naoko hadn't had time away from home since her little boy was born and I knew she needed to get out of the house, and I didn't want to ruin it for her. I was able to push back my racing thoughts and make her weekend enjoyable.

She dropped me off at my apartment and I slowly made my way up the steps. I was still on the fence on whether I wanted to try and find my birth father. There were pros and cons to finding him. Maybe he had an odd quirk that isn't easily discovered, and I inherited it and never knew it. I didn't have a second joint in my toes, so doctors thought it was odd I never developed one. Or what if he was in a hospital and needed a transplant or donation of some sorts from a blood relative and I'm the only option. What if I had more siblings who I could help in a medical sense.

I was really stretching it with the medical reasons to try and find him. I knew I would only be intruding on his life. He probably had a wife and family, and I would only break them apart if I showed up.

My mind was going back and forth on if I wanted to find him. I thought about what dad would do. "I would flip a coin!" His voice echoed in my head. He would flip coins to make decisions all the time. From big to small, he always carried a coin in his pocket.

I pulled out my wallet and pulled out a coin. "Okay heads I try and find him and tails I let it go and move on with my life." I flicked the coin into the air with my thumb and caught it in my had and I flipped it onto the back of my other hand. I slowly lifted up my had to reveal the coin. "Tails..."

I felt disappoint fall over me, then I perked up. "Well as dad always said if you are dissatisfied in the outcome you know that you want to do the opposite of the coin." The disappointment faded and a happy feeling replaced it. I knew in this moment I was going to find my birth father... but how would I do that?

I opened the door to my apartment and threw my bags down and headed towards my laptop. I flopped down onto the couch and opened it up and turned it on.

I typed frantically and mumbled to myself. "I could use that online directory to find him, but that also would mean I would be asking random strangers if they had a hookup 25 years ago. Maybe I could hire a private eye? No, no that would cost me too much money. I'm already scraping by because of my sisters trip." I stopped typing and sunk back into the couch. "Ok I'll start by asking mom where the bachelorette party was. If it was in town then maybe he still lived here. I know that mom didn't like to travel and neither did auntie so it's highly unlikely that they went somewhere else for the party."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent her a message. I was a long shot hoping she would tell the truth, but I had to try.

Hi mom, quick question. Was aunties

Bachelorette party here in town?

Why are you asking?

I just want to know.

You're trying to figure out who your
father is aren't you

So what if I am, I have a right to know.

Fine, I don't care. Yes, her bachelorette party was here. Good luck with
your wild goose chase.

I smiled. "Now was that so hard?" I went back to my laptop and copied all of the hits to my phone. "Hmmm it looks like one lives not that far from me." It was still early, not even 5:00 in the evening. "Maybe I could stop by and just ask."

I closed my laptop and set it down next to me on the couch. I took a deep breath and got up. "Okay, y/n, you can do it!" I slipped my shoes back on and headed out the door.

This directory online gets it information from work scouting websites so hopefully it was still current. As I got closer to the address from the website, I was getting antsy. I could feel my anxiety rising and my palms were sweating. "Is this really the right decision? He's going to think I'm crazy."

Before I knew it, I was in front of the door of his home. I looked the door up and down. I hovered my hand a few inches away, ready to knock but I couldn't make my hand move.

"T-this is crazy, y/n. What are you doing?" I said to myself.

Suddenly the door opened and a man in his mid to late forties opened the door. "Whatever you are selling we don't want it." He looked rather annoyed

I felt embarrassed. "I-I uh I'm not sel-"

He cut me off "We already have whatever it is you are trying to get us to buy so just turn around and go."

He started to close the door. "No wait! I'm not selling anything! I just-"

He sighed annoyingly "Then what is it that you want?"

He wasn't going to take me seriously with my sheepish demeanor. I took a deep breath and stood up taller. "I am looking for my birth father. All I know is his name is Toshinori Yagi, is that your name?"

He looked shocked, came outside and quickly shut the door behind him. "Who the hell do you think you are? I am a married man! How old are you anyway?" He was visibly angry.

My assertive demeanor faded "I uh I'm 25. My mother had met a man at a party 25 years ago here in Musutafu and never had contact with him again."

He looked even angrier "25 years ago? I don't even remember what I had for breakfast! Besides, you don't look anything like me!" He came close and pointed a finger close to my face. "Don't you ever come here again."

This isn't how this was supposed to go. "Wait, please! I don't want anything from you, and I don't want to cause your family any trouble. I just wanted to know who my father really was. Please will you just take a paternity test? Even if it's positive I will leave you all alone, I just need this closure."

He pushed me off of the step of the entry. "Hell no! I've seen the stories! Some random girl claiming to be my long-lost daughter and then she cleans me out and disappears! I'm not falling for it! Besides, I moved here 11 years ago!" He turned and went back inside.

I was in a state of shock. "You didn't have to be so rude about it." I whispered to myself. Tears were running down my cheeks. "What was I thinking? I am such an idiot!" He was obviously not my father.

I walked at a slower pace on my way home. He could have been nice about it, I would be, then again dad always said that I was too nice. I pulled out my phone and tried to take notes on what happened, but it was getting complicated. "I need an actual notebook for this."

I decided to stop at a small bookstore that was on the way home and get a notebook. I liked this bookstore, it had a nice charm. A bell rang as I entered the store and the owner greeted me. I waved and made my way to the composition section.

I scanned the shelves "hmmm I don't need anything special, just a simple notebook would do." I reached for a basic notebook, but right as I was about to grab it another hand appeared.

I retraced my hand and turned to the person. "Oh I'm so sorry. You go ahead and have it. I can pick another one." I looked up to see Deku.

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