Chapter Three

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When I saw the knife, I freaked. My eyes went wide and I pulled against the ropes. My abdomen was on fire but I didn't care. These guys are gonna stab me! "Um, guys? There's no need for this, we can work things out right?" Sam held the knife to my forearm and dragged the knife across. A thin line of blood spread and began to trickle down my arm. "Oh no, no, no. Please get the blood off me. Please," I begged. I had always hated blood. Just seeing it made me want to throw up. Sam stood up. "Well, the silvers not hurting her, so that rules out vampires and shape shifters. When he turned to get a bandage, my cut started glowing, then when it stopped, there was no evidence I was even hurt in the first place. "How'd you do that?" Dean asked. "Honestly, I don't know. But can you guys please untie me? I won't tell anyone about this, I swear." Dean only shook his head, and let Sam continue on with the tests. He threw holy water on me, as well as salt. Then last, he cut my arm once again with another knife. Just like the one the demon stabbed me with.

Once again, Sam dragged it against my arm. Only this time, it burned like fire. I screamed and clenched my fists so hard my knuckles turned white. Sam took the blade away and once again, my cut healed itself in seconds. Breathing heavily, I asked, "What the Hell am I?" Sam sighed and shook his head. "I don't know. The salt didn't hurt you, but the angel blade did, which makes no sense at all." He began untying the ropes and I rubbed my sore wrists and ankles.

Seeing Callie being hurt angered me. Callie was still new to this, but she seemed to fill a hole in my life. She was like the annoying little sister I never wanted. "You okay, kiddo?" Callie looked at me, her chocolate brown eyes still struck with fear. "Well, I just figured out I'm a freak, so I guess I'm sorta okay," Her bandage was starting to become crimson again. "If you can heal cuts, why can't you heal your stab wound?" I asked Callie. "I don't know." She replied. I got up off the bed and help Callie stand up. She swayed a little bit but regained her balance. Her shirt was completely soaked with dried blood and her jeans were no better. "We need to get you new clothes," I said. Callie shook her head. "No, I have a spare pair in my room." I shrugged. "Well hurry up and get cleaned up. Me and Sam have a lead on a demon and he thinks maybe you could help us with it," Callie sighed and walked out the door to her room. When she came back she locked herself in the bathroom and didn't come out for an hour.

"Listen, when we get there, you need to stick close to me. Got it?" Callie nodded. We arrived at a warehouse just outside of town. Sam and I crept up to a side door and slowly pushed it open. I nodded and we all filed in, with Callie in the back.

I followed Dean into the warehouse, my heart pounding. When I passed through the door, it slammed shut. Sam and Dean whipped around, guns ready to fire. "Callie, behind you!" Dean yelled. I whipped around, face to face with a black-eyed demon. "Hello, love." He said and put a knife against my neck. "Dean?" I whimpered. "What the hell do you want Crowley?" The demon scoffed. "Well, nothing from you boys," He said, "It's just that I haven't had a queen in quite awhile." He stroked his thumb along my jaw line. "Stop it," I said. "And why should I, darling?"

"Because you are really getting on my nerves and every ounce of me is screaming to kill you." Crowley laughed. "Oh, I'm so scared!" Feeling my anger reach the boiling point, I kicked my head back, smacking him in the jaw. He stumbled back, obviously pissed at me, his eyes completely black. "Oh, sweetheart, you've messed up now," He said and with a snap of his fingers, he was gone.

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