Chapter 13

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"Nick, remember the guy is a psycho. Please don't try to be a hero." You were all currently dealing with a hostage situation. A kid had taken his entire class hostage, after being sexually assaulted by some bullies. You, Nick and Olivia were already in the building. Neither of you thought this was how the evening would turn out. 

You were supposed to follow up with the boy. Especially after the entire case fell through. The victim must have felt hopeless, so he'd taken matters into his own hand, trying to eradicate the one responsible for his. Unfortunately in his haste he'd taken the entire class hostage. Now the three of you were stuck there, along with the rest of the class in the room. You had no doubt the building was probably surrounded by cops now. You just hoped Olivia could defuse the situation before it got worse.

"Jack look at me, not them." the blond teen's eyes darted to Olivia's direction, the gun in his hand shaking unsteadily. There were about a dozen kids, the one boy he was looking for cowering behind a desk where Jack's gun was aimed at.

"Listen, you haven't done anything yet, we can still help you. If you pull that trigger, all bets are off. " You and Nick still had your weapons drawn. Olivia had holstered her own in hopes of calming down Jack.

"You can't help me, no one can. His rich dad made everything go away, now no one believes me. Andy blackmailed my best friend into lying on the stand. I can't let him get away with this. He's dying today!" he stepped forward and Olivia moved to block Jack's path. "We'll make sure he gets what he deserves Jack. I'll get your friend to testify against him. We can clear this all up, the legal way. Just put the gun down."

"I can't do that detective. I know you can't guarantee that. Jason already lied once. What jury is going to believe him now. I know he didn't have a choice, Andy's dad controls everything. Jason's parents could have lost their jobs. He was protecting his family. I forgive him. I don't blame him for this."

"That's good. So you understand that you can't make him pay. He needs to stand trial. This has to be done the right way. No one will know the monster he is if you kill him. "

Olivia had Jack distracted, but neither of you thought Andy would try and make a run for it. He scampered from his spot behind the table, going towards the door. You panicked. Jack's eyes raged and he raised the gun pointing.

"DON'T!" Olivia's scream rang throughout the room and you jumped just as Jack fired the shots. She tackled him to the floor, knocking the gun out of his possession. Nick rushed over at your side the moment he saw the two prominent bullet wounds in your chest. Olivia was handcuffing Jack and yelling for the students to leave quickly. You knew it was just a matter of time before the police came marching in.

Nick pulled you into his side on the ground. You could see the tears gathering in his eyes.

"Dammit don't do this to me, why didn't you just use your powers!" he shouted. You forced a smile, blood now running from your lips. 

"E..even I'm not that fast Nick.." you tried to laugh, but it was a challenge.

"No no no this wasn't supposed to happen I have to help her!!" Jack was yelling and struggling against Olivia's hold.

"You bastard you're the one that did this!!" Nick fired.

Jack shook his head. "You don't understand. Those bullets are laced with a deadly poison. I-I made it. I wanted to make sure Andy paid, even if the cops made it to him in time, the poison would reach him before they could help. " The information made Nick visibly pale.

"I-I never meant for anyone else to get hurt. I-It was only supposed to be him. If she doesn't get those bullets out of her within the next minute, it won't matter. S-She'll be dead before the paramedics get here. "

"No.." Olivia mumbled. Nick could feel his heartbeat slow.

You blinked, trying to straighten. "I-I need to sit up, help me. I-I can get them out.." you winced. Nick looked at you like you were crazy. "Nick..w-we don't have time. I-I can get them out. Cops are going to flood here any minute I have to.." you didn't have to finish. He pulled you over, trying to avoid causing more pain as he leaned you against the wall.

When you were finally in a somewhat stable position, you moved your hand over the bullet wounds. Nick watched as you closed your eyes taking a deep breath. When your eyes reopened your irises were golden. Nick took your other hand, giving you an encouraging squeeze.

Your hand twitch and you held back a scream of pain as you tried to mentally force the bullets out of your skin. The pieces of metal were slowly moving out of your flesh. Your hold on Nick tightened and you cried out, tears running down your cheeks. Nick watched helplessly, unable to provide anything but very little physical support. 

Olivia watched as the bullets flew into your palm as if on their own. Nick let out a breath. You looked up at Nick, completely spent. Nick..I.." Before you could finish the sentence, your body sagging, eyes shut almost instantly. He felt his breath stagger when your grip on him loosened.

"H-How did she...that's not possible.." Jack saw the entire thing,

"If you tell anyone what you saw today, I'll kill you myself." Nick threatened. His gaze moved back to you and S.W.A.T stormed the room. Their weapons lowered when they saw that the threat was already neutralized. 

The medics were the next wave of people to rush into the classroom. Nick helped the paramedics lift your body on the gurney, taking you out of the room. He followed hurriedly out of the room, your blood stained on his arms and clothing. Olivia watched as they carried Jack out of the school. She exchanged a look, and he knew. 

"I won't say anything." he whispered before he was gone. As soon as she made it outside she could see the ambulance. Nick was already in the back with you. "Liv are you okay?" Amanda and Fin were relieved when they saw her unharmed.

"Yes I'm fine. (Y/N) she..she jumped in front of the bullet. It should have been me. "

Amanda shook her head. "It's not going to help blaming yourself. Nick is already with her. Let's go, I'm driving." she instructed.

The ambulance pulled away, the sirens blaring, tires screeching down the streets. 

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