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I start to stare at this one tree, I narrow my eyes at it. "I don trust you tree." I walk up to the tree and poke it. "I'm going to have to hurt you aren't I?" Ana tugs at my pant leg. "SHHHHH....THE TREE IT SPEAKS...."

Gray and Lucy stare at me with fear a new thing for Gray to do. I lick the tree.

Connor walks over and pulls me away from the tree. "Oke...I think you have been in the rolling cabin for too long."

"Heheh, I...I haven't been in there for too long, no, no. No I haven't." Mostly by now everyone had walked away to actually work on the quest as I am having my small little spaz attack.

"LUCY, GRAY, ALEXA IS FREAKING OUT...." He backs away slowly. "AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOOUUUUUUUU...." I sing hugging the tree.

Lucy walks over to me and whispers in my ear. "Did...Did you get into the tree drugs, Alexa?"


"WEEEEE WOOOOOOOO. WEEEEEEE WOOOOO WEEEE WOOOO." Gray screams along with me. We start running around and circles screaming it over and over until we bump our heads into each other and fall on our butts in the grass.

I hold up an imaginary tea cup and purse my lips. "Do you have a spot of tea, madam?"
"Why yes..." She pours me some imaginary tea.
"Why thank you sir, I mean madam." We cackle like idiots and hear Lucy facepalm.

We fall back on the grass and stare at the clouds. Lucy soon joins and we smile my insane rampage now over.

"I miss the days like this. They were fun." I sigh. "Yeah..." Lucy says trying to reach out for the clouds. Gray...Well stares up at the sky cluelessly. I roll my eyes.

Connor slowly walks up to us. "Is...Is...She okay?" Lucy nods. "Yeahp!" She gets up and grabs my arm. She pulls me over to a tree and gets my bow from my quiver along with an arrow. She throws a potions at a tree and it creates a target. "You should practice your bow skills."

I nod and she steps away. I ready my bow and shoot multiple places on the target. After about ten tries I get it in the middle.

Gray comes up behind me and grabs Kula she shoots and it hits around the edge of the red dot. She snaps her fingers and gives me back Kula.

I shoot on target once more and sigh in relief.

I hear a loud grumbling from behind me. "Hello Alexa." It purrs.

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