Chapter 11 Hypothesis (AnnaBeth's Pov)

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AnnaBeth's Pov 

I had right away got up and started off toward Percys cabin. He must have been waiting for me to come because, he wa sright outside his own cabin sitting on the steps. "Hey, AnnaBeth, I figured youy were coming since you haven't seen me all day. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "Well, yes and no, Yes I missed you and came to see you, but thats not the complete reason, I came to see you because of a certain demigod that recently met, her name is Alexa and she is a daughter of Apollo, she has an ability, that most demigods don't have. Alexa, she can talk to animals!" I said. "But the only one that could do that was Pan?" I looked at him in anger evertime I do when he asks me questons I can't answer.

We walked over to the infirmary which is where Chiron usually is.

"Chiron!" Percy and I yelled. "we need to talk to you, please come outside!"

"Yes, what do you need,"he asked. "Well its about Alexa, there was a wolf that wandered into camp the other night and Alexa was on Lucy's porch relaxing. When she heard a howl, her instints kicked in and she went toward the sound of the howl she heard from a bush.Out came a she-wolf, with her pup, the wolf told her to keep the wof pup, and she did and she named it Ana, its mearly 8 weeks old and very hyper and friendly. When Lucy and Gray came to tell me I had them send Parker to you and Alexa to me, I told her to say hello to the wolf, The wolf pup called her Lexus. I don't understand whats going on?" 

"Hmm....Peculair, I'm not so sure what this means. I will get back to you when I mak some sense of this, but it won't be completely correct it will be a hypothesis.

-2 hours later

Chiron came up to us two hours later, I suppose he made sense of things.

"Alright, I think i got this almost correct. " Chrion sighed.

"So, about 500 thousand years ago before gods started having children with mortals and before Pan died, Pan gave Apollo a blessing that one of his children would be blessesd with abilities to speak to animals, and when Alexa was being born Apollo was sick of average normal children, and wanted a child, blessed with the ability to speak to animals. Being different and more powerful. Thats what I think what happened."

"I think thats the only, explaination that really makes sense." I said.

"Thank you Chiron."


Alright a decent chapter I know this is a little hard to make sense of, but hey I'm trying! Anyways Thanks for reading! :)

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