001. meteorstuck davekat

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You find yourself discovering comfort in the meaningless.

Time flies by. Years go by. What you'd originally scoff and blush at has become meaningless to you and Karkat now, and when you notice it, your heart swells with pure, unadulterated joy. You're proud of yourself, proud of Karkat, and as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and box him in with your arms, pepper kisses across his cheeks, neck and mouth, you feel so purely and beautifully content again.

Karkat squirms a bit and giggles at you as you nuzzle his neck a bit. "Dave!" he chokes out, but there's no venom in it, and you laugh right back.

The meaningless. The norm. But he's so beautiful, with the red peeking into his irises, and his long lashes and full, parted lips as he lets out raspy laughter. You used to think he'd looked "girly," but as you grew closer to him, you realized he was his own kind of aesthetic. Yours.

God, he's yours. 

"Okay, okay," you reply. "I understand you don't want me fondling your ass or anything-"

He narrows his eyes and his lips are still up a bit. He's smiling softly at you, and he just scoots forward, lacing his fingers in yours. "Of-fucking-course I don't, it's been a long-ass day. Do you mind if I just sleep now?"

You nod unenthusiastically, and he stares into your eyes, red as rubies. In the way that he smiles is exclusive to you, the way he sees your eyes is exclusive to him. He used to be surprised by them; but not anymore. He just blinks and continues that soft, dreamy, happy smile. He scoots forward and you wrap your arms around him, drawing him forward further into your chest. You rest your chin on his head, and he gives a sleepy little sigh.

You kiss the tip of one horn and he shivers a bit, beginning to purr. You say nothing about it. He's done it hundreds of times before, and it's so adorable to you every time. You just smile and wrap your legs around his, too. You've caged him in, a lot bigger than him, but he's too sleepy to care. Touch always grounds him, you'd learned.

Karkat's up for a few more minutes, but you can tell the exact moment he falls asleep. It's like the breath whooshes out of him, and the fingers fisted in your shirt go lax. You smile into his hair and close your eyes, but part of you isn't planning on sleeping. You just want to soak in the moment. It's the little things in life you've come to appreciate.

Because it was always the bigger picture. With your bro, with the game, with what's coming next. Letting yourself see and experience things without pain and fear has been wonderous for you, and Karkat barely notices how emotional you get over it.

His eyes slowly changing color. The way he rests his cheek in his palm and stares at you like you're the center of his universe. His relaxed, angelic face as he sleeps. The way he blushes scarlet when you say a stupid pick up line. The pallor of his skin as he cries, the pink tears you wipe off his cheeks, the way you feel when he kisses you desperately. The feeling of him pulling you closer. The sounds and expressions he makes when...

He's the best thing to ever happen to you.

You'd come onto this meteor hating his ass, and every part of him. But as you'd grown up beside him, you'd seen him change, you'd seen his eyes soften and you'd seen him reach out to you, to put everything into his love for you. Karkat was the most empathetic, caring person you'd ever met, hidden behind thorny, bristling anger as a self-defense mechanism. Once you got to know that, you could read him, every part of him, and see how everyone cared about him, too. But he's yours. It could've been anyone, and it was you.

Sure, next human month everything is going to change. You'll face the next universe beside him and the people you'd grown to consider family on this god-forsaken rock. You'll probably fight in a life-threatening battle, and you won't always be able to protect him. That impending doom hangs over you, but when he's close to you like this, it's gone. Your fear is gone. You'll sacrifice yourself it means your love for him remains this true.

You'll make sure of it.

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