Boys Don't cry

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“I still don't get it both guys, Cai and Gab was created around Eryn. I can't think of a situation.” Van protested

“Well you can have it like the two is chatting with her just create the two in a different light.” Strell replied

“Yah we trust you, you’ll thinking of something” Laine add

That ended the group chat

“booo those two are so demanding” Van said as picks up her eye glasses, wore them and started a new word file.

Boys Don’t cry

At their favorite coffee shop, Eryn was with Arriane each with their own choice of lattes. Arriane who was reading some article from Eryn’s netbook while Eryn was anxiously fidgeting.  They were sitting across from each other then out of the blue one of them broke the silence.

“Damn that was the most haunting dream I have ever had,” She protested. “I woke up to the feeling that someone hugged me and to my surprise, as I looked at the person it was Gab!” Eryn started shaking her head as if she was trying to get a bug off her head.

“I don't know what to tell you Eryn, have you talked to Cai about this?” Arriane said as she moved her chair to Eryn’s side and then pated her friend's back, comforting her.

“I wish I could.” Eryn mumbled, “After all, when I indeed woke up he was the one that was actually hugging me.” Then a sigh escaped her as if her chest was filled with air and trying to empty it so she could breathe normally again. “Weird enough, I think if I tell him about this odd dream of mine, he will just stare at me. If I told him that in my dream someone else was hugging me and he will not really give me the reaction I need from him.” Eryn making faces before sipping from her warm café latte.

“Ever thought about talking to a stranger about this? Just to get another point of view” Arriane said nonchalantly as she gazed to the warm setting sun.

“Wait! What was that?”Eryn exclaimed, she was also waiting for Arriane’s expression to change since her though that it will be followed by an I was joking remark. “And I thought that I was the crazy one.” She stared at Arriane, stunned at what her best friend said.

“Well,” Arriane took a sip from her caramel macchiato latte then continued, “you know me to well and I know you to well. I know what you want to here and I know you will not follow what has to be done.” Arriane smiled at Eryn as he fiddles with her cup looking guilt stricken, she then continued “Check this out, you can limit the people that will get to you chat room and you can kick out them out if you so not like them, you will be able to set a rule for the people that will come in as well. It’s worth the try and you might get some good advice from other people” Arriane explains as she turned the netbook around to show Eryn.

“Fine, bookmark it” she lazily remarked, “I’ll try it later,” She then check her watch and saidwell time to go home!” she closed the netbook and placed it in her bag.

They stood up and waved goodbye to the baristas.

It was about half past 7 in the evening. In her room, Eryn was resting her back on the wall while her netbook lay on her lap. She was still thinking about what Arriane told her earlier on. “Maybe I need to get some male perspective on this,” she thought and then decided that she will start the chat room with two other guys.

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