𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓷𝓮, 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓷𝓮. "𝓐𝓷 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓾𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷."

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Days Battlefront, Operatives against enemy - XXXX

The long, barren wasteland stretched for miles. The land completely destroyed. Day Operatives are fighting for their lives.

A black fighter jet with a green circle on the side soared high above the battle, hysterical laughter flowing out. It was dropping bombs on the enemy.
Unstable_Day, the Pilot - or, the owner of this jet was laughing maniacally and screaming towards the battle down below.

With one hand the Pilot steered the aircraft and with the other he held up his goggles.


Unstable was one of the shortest operatives. He had messy, platinum blonde hair that stuck out at the sides. Unstable didn't really care; but when he had tried before, no matter how hard or how long he brushed, he couldn't get it to stay flat. The Pilot also sported a blue ushanka hat along with a navy blue suit as a usual uniform. However, on this occasion that is a warscene, he - as well as every other Operative - wore heavy duty body armor. Bulletproof vests with grenades and guns strapped to waists, pockets upon pockets carrying knives and assorted explosives, walkie talkies clipped securely on their right side.
They were prepared for battle, that was for sure.

Upon his death, he permanently damaged the frontal lobe of his brain. Which controls your voluntary movement, language, and helps manange your higher level functions; such as being able to plan ahead and self regulate.

He couldn't speak normal English.
No matter how hard he thought about it, and how hard he tried, the Pilot couldn't get anything to come out right. Unstable also carried a heavy speech impediment. He hated it with every inch of his being. It made him seem more childish than he already was, and gave the other Operatives more of a reason to make fun of him.
The blonde male twitched and yelled involuntarily all the time. Sudden jerks and movement were less than he could control.
Though, these factors didn't stop him from being an amazing pilot. He was great at what he did.

"AHAHAHAHHA!" He continued recklessly dropping bombs down below. As one exploded; a different operative barrel rolled out of the smoke, he immediately got up and stated running, taking out enemies as he went.

Tall and slender. He had fluffy brunette hair and bright jade eyes.
Somehow, he looked as if he wasn't fighting, and had just finished getting ready for a nice outing.

Radiant_Day was the musician. He was often found with his guitar strapped around his back for those random musical numbers, but of course he didn't have it on now.
Radiant was the flirt of the group. Though, he knew very well that Operatives such as himself weren't allowed romantic relationships, that didn't stop him from playing around with some of the civilians, causing them to swoon. He liked making them think that he was actually interested. It was quite funny.
The Musician often wore brown, and had a copper fiddler hat. The goggles that were usually wrapped along the rim were now tightly strapped to his face.
He thought of himself as undeniably handsome, as well as most civilians. Yes, he could be quite self-absorbed sometimes, but he was also quite caring and compassionate towards his peers.

Quickly, Radiant ducked down, narrowly missing a bullet heading straight for his head.

"You better try harder than that, dear! My corpse will be the most beautiful thing you've ever seen~!" He called out in the direction that the shot had come from while cocking his gun and firing aimlessly.

Behind him, it looked as if another Operative had been caught in the dust and dirt the explosive had turned up.
He had chestnut brown hair. It was messy, but in a way that made it look nice. The Operative was coughing and sputtering, waving around his hands to clear the smoke around him.
Unpredictable_Day resented Unstable, as the Pilot hated him aswell. The two had a long and complicated history together, but only few knew why they disliked eachother so much and refused to get a long.
Unpredictable wore dark orange and a gray hat that had goggles that looked as if they had been constructed from pocket watches. If you asked him what they were, he would tell you the story about how they were the first thing he built as the Mechanic of the Union; and though they weren't very useful, he liked keeping them as a memory to see how far he had become. Unpredictable also had bipolar disorder, which combined with darkness, made it unstable and much more extreme.

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