𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻. "𝓐 𝓓𝓮𝓫𝓽."

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A/N - Placid's pre-Day name is Charles Del Rosa Morales. He is Hispanic.




Mid March, XXXX - Placid River - Small town in the ROA.

The sound of the water ran through the chilly spring morning.

A light mist wisped through the fresh air, the world around slightly wet from the previous nights' rain; dewdrops coating the grass.
A shorter brunette man stood on a small platform that stretched a bit over one side of the river. He stared down at the calm running water, crystal clear. Reeds and water plants were scattered around the area and the sun rose, having the sky turn a vibrant shade of orange.
The man breathed in, drinking the cool, fresh morning air around him, thinking about how beautiful it was.
Why did he stare at the river? Nobody knew. He himself didn't even know, he was just drawn to it.

Along with his soft brown hair, he had tanned skin; not too tan, the perfect shade of pale caramel. Deep brown eyes were set in his skull and he wore a white turtleneck with a deep blue polo that was a little too big for his slender frame. Khakis and a pair of black shoes were on his bottom half. He looked to be in his late twenties.

Charles Del Rosa Morales was the town weirdo. If anyone were to address him, they would just say "Mr Placidity" due to him living alone on Placid River in a little house by the shoreline. His calm and tranquil personality matching that of the flowing water.
The smaller male loved classic literature, often found drinking a fresh cup of tea while reading. It was his favourite thing to do.
He was the quiet type; shy and kept to himself, more of a follower than a leader put in the situation of being with another; but he was definitely introverted. Lately he had been using the war as an excuse for himself to not go out. It was dangerous! He told himself. You could die! It wasn't like he was lying, that was completely true. These were dangerous times; the Nights had been attacking the Republic of Aurora on and off for ages!

However, on this particular day, Charles was forcing himself to partake in an event. The man rarely went into town for things that were unnecessary, and he wanted to try and get out today.
Of course, food was a necessity, and he was to go out to pick some up today; but when he had heard there was a guitar show being held by a young man named Elliot later on, he made up his mind to go. He couldn't just spend his days all alone at the river, water isn't a person, you can't befriend water.

But did he really want a friend? Did he need a friend? Charles felt perfectly comfortable on his own, yet sometimes he couldn't help but wonder if a companion would be good for him. Maybe not even a friend, just someone.

The brunette sighed and turned back, heading inside of his home to prepare himself to go out.



The town was small. From any child to adult, everyone knew eachother; particularly Charles. Nobody was overly fond of the boy, everyone thought he was quite strange since he lived isolated from the rest. Locals assumed there had to be a reason and decided that the lad was hiding something.

But what was there to keep hidden?

The answer was simple: nothing.

Humans don't like accepting that something or, in this case; someone was different from the rest. They love singling someone out and giving them any reason to make them vulnerable. Poor Charles just so happened to be their choice. He enjoyed being alone, but that just wasn't good enough to them.

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