Chpt. Four - One way or Another

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Audrey's Pov

I wasn't all too excited to get up in the morning at 5 am just to go to the beach, and I also wasn't all too excited about the car arrangements either.

"I call dibbs!" Michael yelled out from the front door, as he ran full speed to the front passenger seat of Jake's Car.

I was leaning against the door slightly asleep but not quite, when I heard the loud shut of the front door closing, I jumped up and pretty much almost fell over.

I moved my head to the side once I calmed down and saw Jake walking out with bright red shorts on that reached just below his knees with the letters S.L.S.C on the bottom right of his pant leg, with an equally bright yellow long sleeved shirt with the same letters printed across the shirt in red. He also carried a yellow buoy under his arms, as he made a call on his phone.

"... yeah we're about to leave now... alright, bye" was the last I heard before he hung up. He looked up at me as he lifted the boot of the car, I gave a tired smile as he grinned.

"not used to early mornings, I see?" he arched his brow as I pulled my jacket closer. It was a bit cold during this morning, not my usual ideal temperature or time of morning.

I nodded, "Is it usually this cold?" I asked when he closed the boot of the car.

"Yeah, but it gets hotter as the day progresses at the beach I patrol..." he came around to just a foot away from me and leaned against the car, facing me. "I have to pick up Chris and Isaac... no problem yeah?"

"No problem" I smiled and then turned to hop into the backseat of car.

Once inside the car, I realized that it was pretty much a flashy sports car, but the down side was that it was small. I watched as Jake hopped into the car at last as I slowly put on the seatbelt in the middle seat.

"Isaac is at Chris's house, which is just around the corner" Jake shrugged as he reversed out of the parking spot he was in, in the driveway. I looked over at Michael who was fiddling with the radio, once he pushed a button the radio began playing a song I've never heard of before.

"Hey what is this song called?" I asked looking at Jake then Michael.

"What? You've never heard this song before?" Michael turned in his seat to give me a weird look. I could feel myself blush as I saw the same look on Jake's face as he looked at me from the rear view mirror, I shook my head and they both shook their heads as well.

"I think we need to educate you in the art of good music," Jake said with a laugh.

"Anyway this song is called 'move that body' by Nelly and a few others" Michael waved his hand at the radio. "I can't help but bop to it" he grinned as he started to move up in down in the car.

I giggled and bopped to the song as well, until the next song came on. "What song is this?" I asked as a female voice sang out in melody about loving the way someone lies? Then a male voice began rapidly specking.

"This my friend is 'love the way you lie' by Eminem and Rihanna" Jake spoke up as we turned into a street that was filled with nice well-kept houses.

Down the end of the street, we stopped in front of a peach coloured house that had vine plants hanging from the front walls and a garden surround the porch, with bright hues of colours of flowers.

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