Chpt. One - What Happened Today, Happened for a Reason...

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Hey, I thought I would see if you guys liked this story! I've just had a huge idea blast and thought I'd see if you guys approve of it!

Well its starts with the younger brother, Michael, of the main character, Jake. Michael is 9 years old and Jake is 17... just thought I clear that up before anyone gets confused. Well, I hope you like! Comment&&vote!


Michael's Pov

(A/N: I'm not sure what a 9/10 year old would be thinking so apologises if I'm way off)

"Mum, mum" I repeated. "Can my friend stay over for dinner?"

"Honey, you know it's Jake's 17th birthday," My mum said while she was sorting through the laundry.

"I know that!" I whined. "But you see, when I was walking home from school, I went looking through a pizza dumpster-"

"Wait, why were you in a dumpster?" she stopped to look at me.

"I was finding a birthday present for Jake" I shrugged, as I heard Jake's shocked grumble from the dining table. "Anyway I jumped into the dumpster and I literally jumped on top of her in the dumpster!" I threw my hands in the air.

"What? Why was she in the dumpster?" my mum stopped what she was doing and turned her full attention on me.

"She was in the dumpster waiting for the pizza guy to throw out pizza" I explain simply as my mum gave a gasp she spared a glance at my dad who had also stopped what he was doing.

"So I decided that if she doesn't have anywhere to stay" I continued. "I invited her to have dinner here" I smiled at mum. "Wait I will bring her in!" I walked out of the dining room and into the main living area where there was a clear view of the front door.

There stood the homeless girl I had found, in holey jeans, large oversized jackets and scarves, plus a beanie that covered her whole head so no hair was showing. She turned her sky blue eyes on me and I smiled.

"Come!" I grabbed her hand. "My mum wants to see you!"

I dragged her though the kitchen and into the dining room, where my whole family was located. Jake, my older brother and my sister, Nora, were sitting on the table doing what looked like homework, but both were texting. Mum and dad were sitting at the other end, dad reading the newspaper and mum folding clothes.

"Hey Mum, this is her!" I saw my mum's eyes widen as she and dad shared another glance. I looked over to my other siblings. Jake had stopped texting and gave my friend a disgusted look and Nora didn't even look up from her phone. What is the deal with phones? There not fun! Playing in sand with Tonka trunks? Now that is fun!

"Honey!" my mum said with a smile. "Can your father and I please talk to you in the other room?" I tilted my head for a second before turning to my friend.

"It's alright, I'll be back" I said up to the girl, and left her in the dining room with my brother and sister, as I followed my parents into the living room.

"Michael, haven't we told you about stranger danger?" my father started once I leaned against the arm of the chair.

"Yes, but she had nowhere else to go! And I couldn't just leave her out there, you're always telling us to help people in need" I crossed my arms.

"Sweetie, you can't just allow anyone into our house" my mum said sitting in the chair next to me. "And your only 9 years old, Michael!"

"9 and a quarter" I grumbled, thinking about the fact that my birthday was in a few weeks.

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