Changing Times

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Cronan awoke with a start, gasping for air and his arms groping about for something to hold. He had been falling, falling into a dark and endless depth, a place of no return.

Something warm grasped his pathetically flinging hands and a hand brushed over his sweat-covered forehead, soothing away the tormenting thoughts and steadying his shaking body.

"My poor little friend" whispered the soft husky voice. "How foolish you are."

The words jolted through Cronan and his eyes flashed open. The blurry face above him slowly cleared into a familiar face, though it was the golden-red hair that Cronan noted first.

"Archer?" His voice cracked and his dry parched tongue seemed to stick to the roof of his mouth.

Archer smiled as he helped Cronan to sit up and raised a cup of cool water to his lips. "Who would have thought we would have matching scars so soon?" He joked cheerfully, a little too cheerfully.

Glancing up at the older boy, as he gulped down the water, Cronan saw a darkness lurking within the sharp green eyes. An anger perhaps, or a growing hatred for his captors and masters. He shook the thoughts away, pushing back the cup as he did so. He watched as Archer turned to place it back on the small wooden bedside table.

"Thank you, Archer" he murmured quietly. Archer looked up, a small smile crossing his lips, though he appeared to be taken aback by the sincere words.

"What for?"

Cronan shrugged. "Everything, I guess. But mostly for caring for me now. For applying the ointments and binding my back, for staying by my side and chasing away the bad dreams."

Archer's cheeks flushed red, causing him to quickly turn and begin rummaging through the small jars he had left scattered by the bed. "Ah, you were awake then?"

Cronan couldn't help but smile at the other boy's flustered movements. "I remember awaking somentime during the night and feeling you by the bed. You had fallen asleep then. I know you must have been weary after working all day, so I am very grateful to you."

Archer shrugged as he turned to face him once more. "I was only returning the favour. Besides, just because we are slaves doesn't mean we no longer feel empathy to our fellow beings. I'm still human even if all rights were stripped away." He raised his hands to his face and sighed heavily. "Nevermind, I am just a bitter person, I guess. But come, let's lay that away for now." Sitting on the edge of the bed, he gently helped Cronan sit up as he placed the cup back to his lips.

* * * * *

While Cronan was being tended to by his friend, Rosalina was standing sullenly before her father, refusing to meet his gaze.

King Warrick looked weary as he studied his young daughter carefully. "I know you are angry with me, Rosie, but I stand by my decision. If you can not respect me or my rules, it will be your slave boy who will suffer."

Rosalina stomped her foot angrily. "I won't have it, Father. I did the wrong, so punish me for it."

"I won't argue with you, child." The king's voice had lowered to a warning tone. "And this is not all. You are to never punish the boy with your own hands or by any order. I know well you forced the boy to do wrong under threat of punishment. If he wrongs you, it is I who will see to it. Do you understand?" When Rosalina gave a sulky nod for response, he continued in a reproving voice. "You are growing older now, Rosalina. You can not run wild as you used to anymore. From today, you will continue your lessons with your governess to act as a lady should and when able, will also accompany me in my daily duties. Not only that, I have requested the companionship of several of the nobles daughters. You will learn to socialise with these and they shall be your playmates. You will do this for me, won't you Rosalina?"

Rosalina bowed her head, a small tear trickling down her face. She knew well what her father was really trying to say. Her childhood was over. Without warning, the life she knew had ended, and she was to step up to the life she had been born to. A strong sense of loneliness washed over her, but with it came a small relief at the thought of her new companions. Having grown up as an only child, without siblings, and having all cousins forbidden to meet with her, Rosalina had lived a lonely life without friendship. She nodded. "Yes, Father. I will obey you and make you proud of me."

King Warrick smiled at her. "I am pleased to hear that, Rosalina. Before you go to your lessons, there is one more thing to discuss." He paused, as if hesitant to speak. "Being the only child in the direct royal line, you know what it means? That there are rules you must follow?"

Rosalina felt her heart sinking. "You are speaking of marriage, aren't you?"

King Warrick nodded. "I spoke with the royal council and looked over the possible candiates. After much thought, your future spouse has been chosen. He is currently in military school, but he is a promising youngster and may graduate early. He is Silas, son of the Master of the Cavalry, an Eastern nobleman. He is tall and handsome, as well as the top of the class. Though he is your subject, he is also the face of the kingdom. The council had approved and signed. Unless, he commits a grevious crime, is facially marred or passes, Silas will be your spouse. Do you understand, Rosalina?"

The silence stretched, as Rosalina stared down at the ground. Then slowly she shook her head. "No Father. I will obey everything but this. My husband is the the one I will have for life. I want to love him. You chose Mama and loved her. Why can I not do the same?"

For the first time in his life, King Warrick reacted in anger to his daughter. Grabbing her by the arm, he shook her angrily. "You must never do as I did. You must never know the fear of your peoples wrath. Do you not understand, child? The council would assassinate you for less. I survived only because I was the only child of my father, and because my cousin had his face burned that he might be extempt from the throne. But his children thrive, well and strong. Many people out there would rather see them upon the throne then have a ruling queen. You must be cold, Rosalina. Be brutal and heartless. Show your people what a queen can be."

Stepping back, his arms falling to his side, King Warrick shook his head. Tears glimmered in his eyes as he looked down at his daughter. Then bending, he kissed her firmly upon the forehead. "Survive, Rosa. That's all I ask of you." Turning, he swiftly left the room.

Rosalina sobbed bitterly, collapsing slowly to the ground.

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