The Markets

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Cronan had just finished cleaning out the stables and was coming out into the yard, when he saw Mable walking towards him, a basket swinging in one hand.

"Good morning, Cronan" she greeted with a bright smile.

Cronan bowed his head and smiled in return. "Are you going to the gardens again" he asked softly.

Mable shook her head. "No, the princess wished for black ribbons, so I must head to the markets before noon. Would you like to come?"

Cronan nodded eagerly. As a slave, he was not often allowed the freedom to go passed the palace gates. And if he did, it was only to accompany a servant of higher status. As he went to follow Mable, he hesitated.

"Please, Mable. May I bring a friend?"

Mable looked at him curiously. "If you would like."

Cronan bowed his thanks, and raced back to the kitchens. Archer was just outside scouring the many pots and pans.

"Archer, if you give your word to stay put, you can come with us to the marketplace."

Archer slowly stopped scrubbing and turned to look up at him. His eyes expressed his doubt. "Does the steward know?" He asked after a moment. "I am different from you, Cronan. I can not be trusted and have been forbidden to pass through those gates."

Cronan shook his head, his smile widening. "The princess's maid has agreed to take you. The steward has no say in the matter." Leaning forwards, he grabbed Archer's hand and dragged him to his feet. As they approached Mable, she turned and her lips parted in surprise. Archer paused in his steps. They faced each other, both suddenly becoming awkward at the unprepared meeting. Mable recovered first.

"Hello Archer" she greeted softly. "You are well?"

Archer nodded, his gaze dropping. "Aye, well enough."

Cronan glanced from one to the other. "You know each other?" He asked in surprise.

Mable nodded. "I was here when Archer first came. We were both so young then. It wasn't a pleasant meeting though." A heavy silence fell, and Mable quickly turned, and led them out of the palace yards and towards the market.

They walked without a word, occassionaly stealing glances to see what the other was thinking. Cronan did not feel the awkwardness as they did. His eyes were wide with curiosity as he stared about the bustling marketplace. It was almost overwhelming. Bright coloured silks and carpets draped and rippled in the wind, precious stones and jewels gleamed in the sunlight, people hollered their prices, cattle bellowed, dogs yapped and snarled, children laughed and mothers scolded. Cronan turned about, taking it all in. As he did, he bumped into a tall woman, her face shrouded by a thick woven cloth. She dropped her purse, the coins scattering across the dirt. Cronan quickly bent and retrieved the items, handing them shyly back to the woman, who eyed him sharply. She scanned the coins in her hand, and Cronan knew she was counting them. Looking a little surprised to see none missing, the woman smiled gently. Her sharp cold face became soft and kind. Reaching out, the woman took Cronan's small hand in hers. Turning his palm upwards, she dropped the coins into his hand. Cronan tried to give them back, but the woman shook her head.

"You remind me of someone I knew once long ago. I only hope someone too will show him kindness. Take the gold and treat yourself." She gave him one last smile and disappeared into the crowd.

Cronan turned and saw Mable and Archer watching him. Blushing, Cronan kept walking, but not before he had slipped half the coins into Archer's hand. The three continued to walk together, until Mable stopped by a stall. Ribbons of every colour fluttered in the breeze. As Mable carefully studied each and every one to check for flaws, Archer reached out and took up a silken ribbon of deep green and let it run through his fingers as he stared at it thoughtfully. Cronan glanced about, his attention caught by a small stall that glittered with accessories of every kind. Walking over, he studied the items carefully. After a moment, he carefully chose two and headed back to where his friends waited. They then headed back towards the palace. As the tall walls came into sight, Archer paused and reached into his pocket.

"It is for you" he muttered gruffly, thrusting something into the startled Mable's hand. She held it up, the long green ribbon streaming from her fingers. Their eyes met, and their cheeks flushed, before they both looked away again. In silence, they entered the palace gates. Mable murmured a farewell and hurried away, leaving the two boys to stare after her.

Cronan glanced at his friend. Archer's expression was grave and his eyes wistful. "You like her." It was not a question.

Archer let put a soft sign and turned to face him. "A slave can not love, Cronan. It will only bring ill fate." With that he turned and strode away.

Putting his hand into his tunic belt, Cronan pulled out his purchased items. A silver chain with a simple leaf, and a gold chain with a red rose.

"Ill fate is still a fate, whether we wish it or not" he murmured aloud. "Can we really escape it?" With a heavy sign, he hid the necklaces away. He would gift them later, or perhaps never at all.

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