The Birthday Gift

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Rosalina ran down the stairs, her golden locks flowing out behind her like a river of gold. Her blue eyes sparkled with joy for today was her tenth birthday. She was hoping her father had taken her hints and had bought her a pony. Ever since Rosalina could walk she had wanted a snow white pony that was as gentle as a kitten and as fast as lightning. She raced into the courtyard and nearly ran into her father.

"Whoah, there little one. Your birthday has hardly even begun. There is no need to run like the devil himself was after you" he said, his grim face breaking into a warm smile that only his daughter could bring.

His sweet and gentle wife had passed away when Rosalina was but a small child. King Warrick had left Rosalina in her nursemaid's care and doted on her so much that she had become a rather spoilt girl. Rosalina skipped around him laughing.

"Where's my presents, Papa?"she asked tugging on his robes.

The king's smiled widened.

'Which do you want first?" he asked.

"The smallest ones!"exlaimed Rosalina for she wanted to recieve the pony last.

The king led her to a pile of boxes that were placed in the shade under a large oak. Rosalina opened the smallest one and found a silver pendant shaped into a rose. She thanked her father and began opening the rest. She found a small wooden doll that looked just like her, a beautiful dress made of blue silk the colour of her eyes, a pearl necklace, a gold ring, a box of honey cakes, a book of fairytales, a painting of swans swimming in a lake, a carved wooden mug, and last, two little finches that were the colours of the rainbow. Rosalina sighed in contentment. After she had recieved her pony, her birthday would be the best ever. She didn't understand how her father knew excactly what she wanted every single year. Little did she know that the maids supplied him with all the imformation.

"Are you happy, my little flower?"asked the king.

"Yes, Papa. I'm very happy."

She turned her little face up to look at him.

"Is this all, Papa or is there more?"

The king laughed at her hopeful face.

"No my dear, there is some more. First one is, you shall go to the country picnic this Sunday. Second, there shall be a ball tonight in you honour and the third is a supprise down near the stables."

Rosalina squealed in excitment.

"Oh Papa, I knew you would get me one. I've wanted one for so long!"

The King frowned then looked very pleased. The third gift had been his own idea and he hadn't known his daughter wished for one. Rosalina grabbed her father's hand and dragged him down to the stables. She looked everywhere yet she could not see it. There were soldiers walking around pretending to be busy. There were servants hurrying by doing their duties. There was a small dark haired boy standing close by, watching her. There were stable boys bringing horses in and out but there was no snow white pony. Rosalina turned to her father.

"Where is my present?"

The King smiled.

"Cronan, come here and meet your new master" he called.

To Rosalina's horrer the small boy walked over, went down on one knee and bowed low. Rosalina gaped at him. Where was the pony from her dreams? Who was this dirty boy? The King ruffled her hair gently.

"I thought it was about high time you got your own slave. I might have got you a girl but you already have plenty of maids and he was the only child left. He shall be your errand boy and companion. Now, how about you both get aquainted. Don't go to far and don't get dirty, for the ball is tonight."

He bent and kissed her head before turning and striding away. Rosalina turned her gaze to the boy and wrinkled her nose in disgust. Now that she was closer she could see he was older than her but slightly smaller. His hair was a dusty black and his pale eyes were like those of a captured animal. His white teeth were dangerously sharp and his skin had been tanned dark by the sun. Rosalina glared at him.

"There has been a mistake. I wanted a pony not a grubby worthless slave boy."

She smiled in satisfaction when the boy flinched at the cruel words. He lowered his head not wanting to look into her scornful face. Rosalina began to walk away, when the boy leapt forward and grabbed her hand.

"Please, my lady, don't send me away. They used to beat me ever so harshly."

Rosalina looked at him thoughtfully. She almost pitied him and she might of agreed except she remembered the long dreamt of pony. She shook her head.

"You are nothing compared to a horse. I don't want you." She paused then relented a bit. "I'll see to it that you find a good home."

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King Warrick was watching the preparations for the ball when his daughter trotted in looking very distressed.

"What is wrong, little flower?" he asked softly.

"Oh Papa, there has been a mistake. I don't want a boy. I want a pony, a snow white pony that is as gentle as a kitten and as fast as lightning. Please, Papa. Send the boy away."

The King sighed. "I'm sorry little one but no one will want him. He has already been on sale for three weeks and he was sold to me very cheaply. Have some pity on the boy and let him stay. I'll get you a pony for your next birthday, okay?"

Rosalina stomped her foot and before she knew what she was saying, she burst out "But he hit me!"

King Warrick was furious. How dare the boy hit the princess. The King turned and strode out of the room. His footsteps sounded like thunder and Rosalina whimpered. She had not meant to say that. It had come out before she knew what she was saying. But no, she had known, she had said it hoping it would make her father sell the boy and buy her a pony. How was she to know her father was going to be so angry. Would he beat the boy? She looked up as her father re-entered. He came over and hugged her as she sobbed in his arms.

"Shhhhh" he murmured. "The boy is being punished. He will not hurt you again, my little flower."

Rosalina wiped away her tears and pulled away, muttering that she would go to her room.

As soon as Rosalina left the room, she raced out of the palace and towards the stable. Before she even reached it, the boy came out. His body was trembling slightly and though he did not cry, he gave small dry sobs. Rosalina slowly walked over to him. He looked up at her then sat down on a bale of hay. Rosalina climbed up beside him and together they sat in silence.

"Did it hurt bad?"Rosalina asked after a moment.

Cronan looked up at her as if wondering if she cared or if she was mocking him. She looked very sincere so he replied.

"Sort of but I've had worse." He gazed deep in her eyes. "Your father said he won't sell me and I know you hate me but I promise I will do everything you ask. Please, won't you let me serve you?"

Rosalina finally nodded. She knew she should apologise for getting him a thrashing but she had too much pride. She also knew Cronan didn't really expect her to. After all she was a princess and he was her slave.

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