Ch 24- Ich Bin Nicht Ich (I am not Me)

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Ich weiЯ nich' mehr, wer ich bin/ Und was noch wichtig ist/ Das ist alles irgendwo, wo du bist/ Ohne dich durch die nacht/ Ich kann nichts mehr in mir finden/ Was hast du mit mir gemacht/ Ich seh mich immer mehr verschwinden

(English Translation)

I've forgotten who I am/ And what's still important/ That is everything somewhere where you are/ Without you through the night/ I can't find anything inside me/ What have you done with me/ I see myself more and more vanishing- Tokio Hotel- Ich Bin Nicht Ich

Ch 24

February 21, 2011

It was, not by any means, unusual to go to a club. Actually for us, we hit a club every weekend or two. Take a few drinks, forget about school, let loose and meet a guy to tease the crap out of them, but giving nothing. That's how we worked. And to be honest I missed the college life.

"You ready?" Elle asked as I locked the dorm room door behind me.

"Ya," I sighed, wishing I pull on a different dress. But as I perceived the dress my friend wore, my mood swung upward. "Damn girl, you look hot. You have someone on your mind tonight or you going to tease everyone in that dress of yours?"

"Not sure. But you on the other hand, you're going to find someone tonight looking sexy as you are." I glanced down at the dress that I bought in Europe. Fitting snuggly around my body it accented my curves and showed a bit of cleavage. It fell at mid thigh with a slit up the leg where a shade of tan underlined the original brown of the dress. Lace edged the top, running into one of the straps and the other strap was just plain brown as the dress. I already tied up three inch chocolate heels, which were open toed as if tennis shoes.

Adileigh's door opened revealing her in an aqua blue dress. Sequences dipped from the top of the strapless material. The silver shoes complemented the dress perfectly along with the diamond hair clip. In the same shade of color, the blue overdone eyeshadow brought out the specks of navy blue scattered in her green eyes. "Lock the memories behind you and drink away. It's time to party!" shouted Elle, not that anyone cared about the noise level at ten o'clock on a Friday.

City Lights Café was deserted at the time we entered, yet in the undercroft was a whole different atmosphere. Night Prowler, a not-so-secretive college club just off campus, blared music. The familiar smell of alcohol blended the air with sweat from the dance floor within the compact space.

Pushing my way to the open bar, I took a seat on one of the stools. "Sephora, I haven't seen you around here in a while," the bartender greeted.

"Brooks," I addressed him by his last name as everyone did, "I've been here and there, sightseeing this year instead of going to college."

"Well, since you're back, what can I buy you tonight?"

"You're not buying my ass of this chair."

"You're offering to pay for all of us?" Elle asked, fluttering her eyes in a smooth fashion.

"I'll pay for everyone's first round," Brooks' announced.

"Just give me a double shot of the strongest you've got."

"Someone wants something tonight," Adileigh pointed out.

"No duh. It's obvious he's looking for a one night stand that he's not going to get," I responded, "unless one of you is horny enough to go give it to him in the bathroom." A whole hearted laugh consumed the air from the three of us. We always joked about guys and their needs.

Brooks pushed three shots across the bar. And without a second thought, I thew my head back with the shot. A burn alighted my throat with the liquid. I shook my head as the liquor hit my stomach. Slamming the glass down with satisfaction, "Another?" I asked politely.

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