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She could sense his fear across the building. They weren't too far away from each other, which made it all the more worse, all the more real. She was tuned to feel his emotions more than most, having formed that strong bond with him after all those years, and no matter how many times she felt his fear, her determination never really went away.

Leandra pulled herself out of bed at last, then clambered over as quietly as she could to the furthest end of the room, where the vent brought in filtered air safe enough to breathe. It's only when she smiled at the thought of escaping that she completely forgot about the creaky floor, and stepped in a danger zone.

Leandra had slept in her own room for the first year or so, but that's when she begged Ava Paige to put her in a room with other girls. She hated being alone, for the loneliness may have been comforting due to the lack of other emotions, but they were also sad. When she was alone, she was stuck with her own emotions, and those weren't any better.


The blonde whirled around to see Harriet leaning on her propped-up arm, watching with dark, curious eyes. Immediately Leandra flinched, knowing she'd have to go in a whole explanation of where she's going and who she's going to be with, and Harriet's always been strong minded, refusing to put her friends in danger. She was a lot like Alby in that way, Leandra mused to herself.

Then a knowing smile found its way onto Harriet's face and she fiddled with some of her short dreadlocks, waving the girl off. "It's either Chuck or Newt, and I'm not tearing you away from either," she grinned, voice quiet. "Go. I'll cover for you if anyone asks."

"Thanks, Harry," Leandra grinned, then carefully pulled the vent cover off and left it to the side, clambering in. Her ten year old body was still quite small despite the promise of a growth spurt for girls before boys, and she still waited for the day she'd be able to tease Newt about being taller than him, like Rachel and Aris. For now they were still around the same height.

She snuck her way through the vents with a torch in her hand, and even if she hadn't known her way to Newt's room by heart by now, the fear hitting her harder directed her to the right place, and soon she kicked the case off before heading inside.

The other boys slept soundly, and she knew for a fact they were deep sleepers. No amount of noise she made could wake them up, which she and Newt might or might not have tested one sleepless night.

Lee quietly made her way down to Newt's bed, and caught sight of a mess of blanket, quiet sniffles coming from it. Her heart mourned and she immediately made her way over, shuffling on the bed beside the lump. At first it froze in fear, shaking, but slowly hands appeared and pulled the blanket down, showing off a pair of dark brown eyes.

The moment they landed on the girl, his arms immediately wrapped around her, pulling her closer. She laughed quietly, embracing him with a fierceness she reserved just for him. "Don't cry," she whispered, gently running her fingers through his hair. Other normal kids their age might've found it odd, such a close relationship between a girl and a boy, but it was natural for Leandra and Newt by now, after how long they'd known each other, after their circumstances.

"I'm sorry," he murmured back, ferociously wiping at his eyes. "I forgot you can feel it. I don't want you sad because of me."

"And I don't want you sad at all!" she retorted, then sat up. The top of her head barely skimmed the bunk above, but she didn't complain. "Didn't you ask Janson for a nightlight?"

"No," Newt shook his head after a moment, sitting up and wrapping the blanket around both of them, keeping them close. "If there's a nightlight then I'll see shadows, and that's worse. I'm not scared of the dark, Andi. I'm scared of what's hiding in it."

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