Chapter One - Meeting New People

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3rd P.O.V

"I gotta admit, you're good fun, kid. I never get tired of your helpless screaming or your soft lips. See ya tomorrow, bitch,", the Galra man said as he left, leaving you in your cell once again, all alone. Curling in on yourself as the door slams shut, the sound echoed around until the whole cell fell silent.

Now that he was gone, hot tears freely streamed down your face, causing the occasional sting when one of them made their way into a fresh cut. Your bare body shook, a feeling of violation flooding your system. 'Am I ever going to be free from this? I hate their hands all over my body... I feel dirty, and no matter how much I want them to stop, they never do..', you thought as you sat there, small whimpers escaping your lips.

Everything seemed almost too quiet until a sudden bang sound rattled the whole ship, making you jolt back in surprise. "W-what was that..?", you whispered, eyes darting around the dark room. A few minutes passed. Silence, once again, was prominent throughout the ship.

Thinking that you were just imagining things, your eyes fluttered closed in a weak attempt to get some sleep. This proved futile, however, as another loud noise alarmed you, making you flinch slightly in response. This time, however, it seemed to be oddly close. Taking a deep breath, you looked up with fear-filled e/c eyes.

A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you got a good look at them; not a Galra man, they're human. "Guys, I found a.. a human!", they shouted, turning their head. From what you could see, it was a tall, tan boy with blue eyes and straight brown hair. Multiple sets of footsteps started edging closer to your cell, your breath getting caught in your throat as you awaited to see who it was. Gasping for air, you barely registered as you backed into a corner, blacking out to the sound of people talking as four figures entered your line of sight.


Lance was the one to find you in your cell. Looking around the room as he awaited the arrival of the others, he noted that the floor was littered with stains -- old and new -- of what appeared to be a sticky, white substance. He grimaced slightly, turning his attention to you; your body was littered with scars, and the lack of clothing you had on startled him. It was only when someone spoke that he was drawn away from his thoughts.

"What in the hell happened to her?", Keith mumbled quietly, frowning at the sight of the beautiful, abused girl in front of him. Sensing his admiration for the girl, Lance smirked.

"Got a crush on her already, mullet?", the taller of the two mocked jokingly, earning a scoff from Keith. The two were about to continue arguing when Shiro cleared his throat, stopping them from their silly antics straight away.

"Right, we need to get her into the castle. Pidge, can you do that since she's naked and you're the only female here? We don't want to violate her too much. And Keith, Lance, Hunk, you get back to the castle to alert Allura and Coran of a pod being needed. I'll be on the lookout with Pidge. Clear?", Shiro finished, to which the group nodded.

Lance, Keith and Hunk headed out of the room and towards the castle in our lions, giving the three of them time to think back on what they had just witnessed. What in the world could that h/c girl have been doing there, in space and residing in a Galran ship? Her story intrigued them more than any of them could imagine, though Lance seemed to be the most distracted of the three, once again getting lost in his thoughts.

"..ance! Lance, you quiznacking cow!", Keith's voice rang in the brunette's ears, earning a groan in reply.

"What, Keith?", he huffed out.

"We're back at the castle, idiot.", he replied. The Cuban boy gave a small 'oh' before making his way out of his lion and back to the control room to report back to Allura what they had found.

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