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Seamus and Dean had been staying with Seamus's parents - or mostly Seamus's dad - for about a week into the Winter Break and Christmas was approaching.

Everyday consisted of time playing games, taking walks, and going fishing.

During these activities, Seamus's father wasted no time asking some rather unsavory questions about Dean and Seamus's relationship.

It wasn't exactly his fault as he was curious and had no filter whatsoever.

"So," he started on a rather dreary afternoon  they had chosen to stay indoors.

Seamus sighed, knowing what was to come.

"Yes, Dad?"

"I was jus' thinking...which of ya is the poker?"

Seamus promptly sprayed his pumpkin juice all over the table of cards set before them. He immediately regretted taking a sip before his father finished one of his lewd questions.

Dean watched with him awkwardly as Seamus's mother brisquely cleaned the mess with a flick of her wand and stomped upstairs the next second, face red with rage as it always was after one of these questions.

Seamus was still hacking slightly with Dean patting him on the back for support when his father piped up again.

"So, which one of ya is it?"

Dean's hand faltered a bit and Seamus yelped when his boyfriend smacked the back of his neck.

Dean flung his arm away and scooted away on the couch, much to Seamus's relief and dissatisfaction.

"Hey, ya think I don't know ya two are shaggin'?"

Dean finally cleared his throat.

"We aren't...yet."

Seamus whipped his head to face Dean so quickly, his neck cracked.

"Yet?!" He managed to croak out.

Dean swallowed and scratched the back of his neck. He wasn't eager to meet anyone's eyes.

"I guess you two need ta talk, huh? I'll just be upstairs with your ma. Please keep it in your room, will ya Seamus?"

Seamus couldn't speak.

"Yeah. You got it." Dean replied for him and ushered Seamus up the stairs.

Seamus beelined for his double bed. (A/N: I looked up bed sizes in Europe, don't judge me! I'm a stupid American...and I hate my country but that is besides the point - let's move on - sorry)

"Did I tell you how handsome you look today?" Dean asked nervously, trying to avoid his boyfriends wrath.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck. Dean."

Seamus face was tinted red in anger for the first time in weeks.

Dean preferred when he blushed...

"Heh...I love you?"


"IT'S NOT - I just...I want you to know that before you go off."

Dean moved to kneel at Seamus's feet.

"I love you, I'm sorry I told your dad I want to have sex with you before I told you. It was stupid and I should I have talked to you about it before we even came on holiday."

Seamus raised his head from his hands and sighed. He took Dean's hands.

"But why didn't you?"

Dean released one of Seamus's hands to stroke his face.

"Because we just got together, knowing you I was afraid you'd set me on fire if I mentioned wanting to shag you."

Seamus chuckled and leaned further into Dean's touch.

"Yeah? I probably would've."

It was silent for a moment.

"So you really...want to shag me?"

"Sea, I want to make love to you until you are sated, sore, and begging for more."

Dean's voice was so serious, Seamus started to laugh hysterically before he finished speaking.

"Oh Merlin!!!"

Dean's poker face shattered and they began to laugh together, sounding like elephants in labor all the while.

"But seriously, do you want to shag me?"

Seamus tackled Dean to the floor.

"Of course I fucking do! You're the only one who can say that to me and NOT end up in a hospital through the holidays."

Okay's a long awaited update. Umm don't kill me. And I promise there will be a whole goddamn sex chapter because I cannot end this story without it or I would be committing fucking treason. Which is not the crime I wish to commit in my lifetime. It is obviously arson 🔥 🙂, thank you very much. Anyways...yeah love you girls, gays, theys, and nays (as in something else don't come at me)

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