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Okay I'm really hoping people are enjoying this. I'm just gonna keep going with the story and I apologise in advance for this anti Deamus chapter... anyways enjoy I love you all strange and unusual humans💞

Seamus had done it.

He had snogged Dean.

And it had been the most perfect moment Seamus had ever experienced in his five going on six years as a Hogwarts student.

And uncannily the worst as well.

Seamus had destroyed the only good thing he had. His mate.

But that was all he ever did, he made rubbish out of anything and everything he touched.

His mum.



Magic in general.

And now his best mate.

It was an awful feeling to know that everything you once had is lost at your fault.

Seamus seemed to be inclined to that feeling.

Dean hated him now, that was sure.


Seamus found himself asking this question repeatedly.

During Potions in which he set yet another potion on fire, causing another explosion in Slughorns class.

It was a wonder Seamus passed his O.W.L.s the previous year.

Feeling a tap on his elbow, Seamus turned to face a rather irritated looking Slughorn.

"Thomas, Slughorn rasped out,"would you be so kind as to escort Mr. Finnigan to the washroom to clean up before he stays late this lesson to clean up this mess?"

There was shuffling as Seamus froze in his tracks. He couldn't face Dean, not now. Especially not now.

But it was Dean who grasped his forearm. It was Dean who steered him to the boys washroom. It was Dean who began to dampen a rag for Seamus to use to clean his face, sporting a frown all the time.

But it was Seamus who refused to meet his eyes for fear of what would happen.

Finally, with a sigh, Dean addressed the situation.

"We really need to talk."

Seamus forced himself to look at him.

"Okay, he muttered, defeated, "just meet me in the Astronomy tower after super. I-I can't talk right now."

Dean nodded and continued to clean his face in silence.

They parted shortly after that and Seamus headed back to the new Potions classroom to clean his mess.

The only mess he seemed to be able to clean up time after time throughout his life.

Painful Realizations (Deamus)Where stories live. Discover now