The Blunder

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The group went outside and chatted after the movie was over. Adrien had thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. But that might have to do with the fact that he sat next to Marinette and got to see her face light up as she watched the screen.

People slowly went home until only the two of them and Alya and Nino were the only ones left.

Alya stared at Adrien and Marinette as they excitedly talked about their favorite part of the movie. She still suspected that something was going on. "Adrien, are you giving Marinette a ride home? You know, since it's completely not on the way to your house?"

His cheeks reddened slightly. "I couldn't let her walk, now could I?"

"No, I definitely couldn't walk," Marinette teased. "Not on my perfect leg and all."

She and Adrien started laughing as Alya got more annoyed. "I don't get it."

"Sorry," Marinette continued. "It's kind of an inside joke."

"Of course it is," she muttered back.

"They're allowed to have inside jokes," Nino reminded her. "I mean, you and I have a ton of them."

She glared at him. "You and I are also dating."

Marinette and Adrien started laughing again.

"Alright, let's go babe," Nino said. "We'll catch you two later." He fist bumped Adrien and waved to Marinette before pulling his girlfriend away.

"Oh poor Alya," Marinette said when they were alone. "She's really going to be disappointed when she meets your girlfriend or my boyfriend."

Adrien smiled. He couldn't wait until the moment when they could tell their friends, and everyone else, that they were dating. No more hiding. No more lies. That would be absolutely wonderful.

"Your bodyguard is running late," Marinette continued.

"Yeah, I guess so. Maybe he got stuck in traffic."

"Well lucky for you, you get stuck waiting with me," she teased. "You know what a wonderful conversationalist I am."

"The best!" he responded.

She crinkled up her nose as she giggled. It was just too cute.

Adrien took a step closer to her. "So what topic are you going to dazzle me with today?"

More laughter. "Hmm, well let me think," she said, tapping her finger against her lips in thought. "Maybe how to use the flat-felled seam properly on denim. That one's always a crowd pleaser."

His smile got wider as she continued.

"Or maybe the difference between organza and tulle. I'm sure you'd be very interested to find out!"

"You know me too well," he joked back.

Even more laughter. "I guess we have a winner then!"

Suddenly Adrien couldn't control himself. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her as he smashed his lips against hers.

And he didn't even realize that he had done anything wrong until he felt Marinette push him back. "What are you doing?" she yelled, moving away from him.

He blinked as he stared at her. He had completely forgotten that he wasn't Chat Noir. He was Adrien.

And she was horrified.

"I... I'm sorry," he stammered. "I forgot where I was."

"Why would you do that?" she yelled, tears coming to her eyes. "I have a boyfriend. And you have a girlfriend!"

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