The Question

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Adrien didn't know how Kagami was going to take the news. He didn't want to upset her, but Plagg was right. He couldn't keep leading her on with his indecisiveness.

His heart belonged to Ladybug, and always would. So this had to be done.

He had called her that morning and they agreed to meet up at the park after school. Kagami's face lit up when she saw him arrive.

Adrien mentally prepared himself for an unpleasant reaction. She didn't exactly take bad news well. She had already been akumatized twice before, and hopefully today wouldn't be the third time.

But if she did get akumatized, he would see his Lady even earlier than they had planned...

He shook his head, trying to rid the thoughts of Ladybug from his brain. It was time to focus. He had to tell Kagami how he truly felt and that they weren't meant for each other. She deserved that much at least.

With a strained smile on his face he greeted her.

"I'm so glad that you invited me out today," she commented. "Although, I don't know why you wanted to meet me here."

"I just... really needed to talk to you," he explained.

Kagami smiled. "About?"

"Um... about us."

"I think I'll like that topic of conversation," she said, moving closer to grab his hand.

"Actually Kagami," he said, backing up a little. "I need to tell you that I don't want to date you."

Her smiled disappeared before she froze in her spot.

"That... that came out harsher than I expected," Adrien continued. "I'm sorry. It's just that, well... you're a great person, Kagami. But I'm not interested in you like that." Then he stopped, waiting for her reaction. He watched as her expression changed from shocked, to saddened, to angry.

"You dragged me all the way here to tell me that you don't want to date me?" she demanded.

He nodded slowly.

"What is wrong with you?"

"I, uh... I didn't want to lead you on anymore. And I'm sorry that I wasn't more honest with you from the beginning."

She averted his gaze as she processed the information.

"I'm really sorry Kagami, but I thought that you deserved to know." He glanced around, half expecting to see a purple butterfly fluttering through the air.

After a long tense minute, she finally spoke again. "Well, I guess that's it then."

He blinked. "So... you're okay?"

"Of course not," she snapped back. "But what am I supposed to do? I'm not going to force you to date me when you're not interested."

"I'm really sorry Kagami," he repeated quietly.

"Yeah, me too," she said before she turned and walked back to her car.


Adrien felt terrible on the ride home. But once he got to his room, he remembered that he was meeting Ladybug in a few hours. Happiness refilled his heart as he thought about her.

He was so in love with her; he had been ever since the day they first met. Her confidence and bravery were so attractive. It might have taken a very, very long time, but his dream of dating her was finally coming true.

Plagg watched as Adrien practically danced around his room. "I hate to burst your bubble," he said. "But she's probably not going to show up tonight."

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