The Argument

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The akuma alert sounded on Marinette's cell phone as she was putting her plate in the sink after dinner.

"Well, I have a bunch of schoolwork tonight," she told her parents. "I think I'll go get started on that and then go to bed early. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

"Of course, sweetie. Go right ahead. We'll take care of the cleaning," her mother said.

"Have a good night," her father added.

"Goodnight!" she replied before climbing the stairs to her room.

Once inside, she quickly checked her phone for the location of the attack. Her kwami appeared next to her, ready to go.

"Tikki, spots on!" she called, transforming into her superhero alter-ego. After that, she ascended the steps to her loft and climbed out to her balcony.

The akumatized villain was near the fashion district of Paris. Her skin was a light shade of blue, her outfit a darker blue bubble dress that was cinched at the waist with a diamond studded belt. She had a face full of makeup and her long hair was pulled up into a high ponytail at the crown of her head. The buildings surrounding her were either scorched or currently on fire, and smoke was billowing into the air.

Ladybug looked around quickly as she arrived at the scene. Chat Noir was nowhere to be found.

The villain didn't seem surprised when she landed on the street in front of her. Instead, she smiled. "Ladybug, just the one I wanted to see. I'm Pyronixa, and I hear that you have some pretty little earrings on those ears of yours. Why don't you hand them over? I need them to complete my ensemble."

Ladybug spun her yo-yo around, using it as a shield. "Sorry, I'm kind of attached to them," she replied.

"Well then, I guess that I'll have to be a little more persuasive." She ran her hand across her belt, the diamonds on it changing from white to a rainbow of colors as her hand moved past. When she got to the end, a fireball formed in her hand. Then she smiled evilly as she held it.

Ladybug's eyes widened. Well, that explained why everything was on fire.

"Change your mind yet?" the villain taunted.

"Not yet." She took a step forward but had to jump out of the way as the fireball was thrown at her.

The villain quickly ran both of her hands across her belt in opposite directions, a fireball forming in each one. Then she hurled the first with all of her strength.

Ladybug had to jump again to dodge the attack. But she couldn't react quick enough for the second fireball. She braced herself for a hit but instead felt herself be wrapped up and pulled away by a pair of arms.

Chat Noir propelled them onto the nearest building and carried her a few rooftops over before letting her down. "Are you okay?" he asked, frantically checking her to make sure that she wasn't hurt.

"I'm fine," she replied, smiling at him. "Thank you Kitty."

"You shouldn't have done that, Ladybug. You shouldn't have approached her by yourself. Next time, you need to wait until I get here."

Her face fell. "What are you talking about?"

"She could have really hurt you!"

Ladybug blinked up at him. "My suit would have protected me..."

"It doesn't matter! Please, just wait until I get here next time," he interrupted, a stern expression on his face.

She was super confused and getting irritated. Why was he acting this way? There was never a problem before.

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