Chapter 1

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"I'm so excited!" George exclaimed, and cheered on his webcam.

Dream chuckled and fonded over George's excitement.

"I can't wait! I've been waiting for this ever since the first time we joked about it on stream. I can't wait until I finally get to see you guys!" 

Particularly, you two together. Sapnap thought deviously and sniggered.

He had caught onto their feelings towards each other a while back. It's not like either of them were trying to hide it. Truth be told, it was blatantly obvious since they met: the way they got along so quickly and the way Dream acted differently when George was playing with them. Sapnap noticed Dream increasingly being "jokingly" flirtatious with George and he didn't miss George's visible embarrassment and frustration when he got flustered by the deep red blush that painted his face. What finally confirmed Sapnap's suspicion was when George had asked him to read the Heat Waves fan fiction that was written about DreamNotFound, their ship name. It didn't come as a big surprise to him that George was curious about the fic, but that's when he knew for sure. He wasn't gonna lie, it hurt a little as he watched them grow closer and he secretly missed when it was just him and Dream. But, he pushed away his jealousy, and because they were his best friends, he would do as much as he could to help them out. This was his chance and he wouldn't mess it up.

"Alright, you guys ready?" Dream asked as the other two shook with anticipation.

They both nodded vigorously. "YES! YES! YES! YES!" George chanted.

Dream smiled widely. "Okaaay," he moved his mouse closer to the green BUY NOW button on his screen and hovered over it.

"Here. We. Go." He closed his eyes, took a breath, and clicked. "Done!"

The two tickets to Brighton were bought.

All three boys whooped and cheered. 

"I'm surprised you guys are willing to come here instead of Florida." George said, amused.

He'd figured it'd be easier for everyone if they all met up at Dream's since it was closer to both of them, but he was delightfully surprised when they chose to meet up where he lived instead. He wondered why.

"Well, you were complaining about the weather too much so Sapnap and I decided it would be too much of a bother to you if we all came here." Dream said, matter-of-factly. 

"Simp." Sapnap teased, quietly. To which Dream responded with a snicker. Dream would have slapped Sapnap on the arm if he could through the screen. He couldn't wait until he was able to do that for real. Apparently, George hadn't heard Sapnap's comment because he said with a smile:

"You two are too nice! And yeah, Florida is too hot for me personally. I think I'd die if I went anywhere with above 16 degrees." He exaggerated.

"16 degrees!" Both Dream and Sapnap were shocked. Sapnap's jaw was dropped; his mouth wide open. 16 degrees was well below freezing for them.

"Celsius! 16 degrees celsius!" George clarified and laughed at their dumbfoundedness.

"Oh." 16 degrees Celsius was around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Moderately warm, like fall weather.

"That's too bad. I'd like to see a suffering, dying George." Sapnap admitted, sarcastically.

"Sapnap!" Dream scolded.

"I'm joking! I'm joking!" He defended. He was just kidding, right?

"Don't listen to him, George. I for one would not enjoy a 'suffering, dying' you." Dream assured him as he quoted Sapnap's rude comment. 

George blushed. "Haha. Thanks Dream."

They couldn't see, but Dream grinned.

"Well," Sapnap said, ruining their little moment. "We should start packing."

They all agreed.

"How long are you guys staying?" George asked.

"Two weeks." Dream said, excitedly. Of course he was excited to see Sapnap, but he (guiltily) looked forward to seeing George more.

"Sounds good." Sapnap replied. 

They said their goodbyes and logged off. It would be the best two weeks of Dream's life.

641 words

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