Chapter 4

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Hello, my lovelies! I just wanna thank you all for reading, I didn't expect anyone to read this, honestly I wrote it solely because I was bored and thought it'd be fun. I guess you like it! Stay tuned, because it's just the beginning! I have so many ideas for where this could go, not exactly sure yet but I'll figure it out along the way. Anyway, enjoy! (also yay! Sapnap POV)

Sapnap groaned as his alarm blared him awake. Begrudgingly, he kicked off his blanket and rolled out of bed. His flight was in a couple hours and he checked and re-checked all his bags to make sure he didn't miss packing anything. Once he was satisfied with everything, he zipped his suitcase shut and got dressed. He decided on a comfy casual look: a white Nike sweatshirt paired with some black joggers. Then, he headed into the kitchen for breakfast. He pulled out two waffles from his freezer and popped them in the toaster. While they toasted, he got out some butter and syrup. As he waited for them to be done, he scrolled through his phone. He had a couple unread messages from George and Dream, mostly raving about how excited they were about the trip. He responded with a quick: Just woke up. Getting ready to leave soon. Can't wait!

He figured they were both still sleeping, since it was pretty early, but stood corrected when a new message from Dream popped up.

I'm already at the airport. You're slacking, Sapnap.

Sapnap rolled his eyes and snickered.

His toaster went off with a ding! and his waffles popped up, hot and toasty.

Checking the time, he ate quickly noticing that he was in fact running late.

After he finished, he tossed his paper plate in the trash, gathered his luggage and left his house, making sure to lock the door behind him.

He arrived at the airport with about an hour to spare.

He checked in, got his bags checked, and received his boarding pass. He searched for his boarding gate and after finding where he needed to be, he sat down and waited.

Soon, before he knew it, his flight was being called and it was time to board.

He sent a quick text to the group chat that said About to board. Actually, boarding now lol. See you guys in 15 hours!

George responded: Yay!

And Dream replied with a Same.

They called his plane's departure and he hurried over to the gate.

He pocketed his phone and boarded the plane. He shuffled down the aisle, following the other passengers, and found his seat. He set his bag down at his feet and minutes later, after protocol was said and everyone was buckled up, they took off. Sapnap took out his headphones and plugged them in. He opened Spotify and played his WOOOO playlist, letting the music flow through his ears as he bopped his head to the beat.

The flight gave him a lot of time to think. And Sapnap had a lot to think about.

He thought about how he was finally going to meet his two best friends and how excited he was to actually see them and hug them. But he also thought about how his two best friends were going to see each other. And that made him a little bit worried. He was scared that they were going to like each other more than him and maybe leave him out or behind. He was so scared of what would happen if they just decided to go off somewhere together, without him. He knew how they made each other feel, and he knew he didn't make them feel the same way. He also knew it was wrong and selfish to not want them to meet or be together, but he couldn't help how he felt even though he hated it. He felt sad. He was sad because he loved his friends so much, but he wasn't sure if they loved him mutually. He knew they cared about him, of course they did, but he just didn't know if they loved him. Like he did. He couldn't imagine being their third wheel and he didn't want to think about it, even though deep down he suspected it was inevitable. If they could fall in love through a screen, who's to say they won't in real life? He couldn't tell what would happen when they both finally did acknowledge their feelings, but he found himself thinking of the worst possibilities. His biggest fear was being alone, and Dream and George both knew that (at least Dream did), so they couldn't do that to him. Would they? Would they get so caught up in their own emotions that they would simply forget about him?

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