6. My nose hurts

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Fin: 12/27/2020 10:32 PM

I wake up early the next morning and head downstairs to get started on breakfast. By the time Shaun comes down, the eggs and bacon are already fried and plated.

"Why are you making breakfast? I should do that," Shaun says. I look over to see him leaning at the kitchen door entryway. "Well I figure since you're letting me stay here free of charge, I'll do the housework for you. It's only fair." He sniffs the smell of eggs and bacon. "I could get used to this."

I roll my eyes. "Sit down and eat, kid."

I'm washing dishes when Shaun speaks up again. "So, what's the plan for today?" I walk over to the door and whip open the front door in response. We are greeted with the same mountain of snow as yesterday. I look over at Shaun, raise an eyebrow, and shrug my shoulders once.

"I guess we'll just hang out?" Shaun asks me. "This house is pretty big. I don't mind if you look around."

I sigh, close the door, and flop onto the living room couch. "Sure."

He pauses. "Is something on your mind?"

I take a long breath and let it out, debating whether I should tell him or not. A person of my status, do I even have the right to consider this?

"Shaun. The truth is..." I trail off. He walks over and sits cross-legged on the floor. "It's okay. I'm listening."

I nod once. "The truth is, I wasn't mad yesterday because I couldn't get to work. I mean, yes I was mad that I couldn't get to work, but also-Also yesterday was the last day to apply for the fall semester of classes at Zee University." I look around at this lavish house with the chandeliers and the spiraling staircase, then down at my lap. "I-I know it doesn't seem like it's so important, but I've been saving up to apply and now that I can finally afford the first two years, I didn't want to delay it any longer. But now..." I shrug, "I guess I'll have to wait another half year." I study the lines in my hands. People say the lines on your palms map out your life, that these trials and tribulations we endure are the tests of fate. Our destiny is already written out for us, and the only thing we can do is subject ourselves to the will of the universe. Sometimes I wonder if I'm being punished for something if fate wishes to test me so, if the universe has decided this is my path. Is it possible to alter the preordained?

Shaun shakes his head. "Hey. I don't think it's dumb at all. Going to college is a huge deal. I don't want to see you comparing yourself to this place that I live in. What you have or don't have doesn't determine what you are. You, your morals, your actions, determine what you are. And what I see is someone who's unwilling to give up. This is going to be a setback in your plans, true, but you are adaptable and unbreaking." He stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder. "You got this. Plus, I've always hated that chandelier. It doesn't match with the room's feng shui."

I laugh under my breath and look over at the chandelier. "I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking it."


"Bailey!" Shaun calls me from his room down the hall. "What?" I sit up on my bed in the guestroom.

"I have service! My phone has 5 bars!" he yells. I dump the guitar I was holding next to me, sprint over to Shaun's room, and burst through the door.

And my nose smacks straight into his chest, the force careening me backwards. "Whoa!" I yell, my arms flailing. Shaun grabs my arms and pulls me back before I break myself landing on my butt.

Suddenly we are too close for comfort, my chest flush against his, his hands hot on my arms.

He laughs at me. "I was just about to come ov-."

"My nose hurts," I say at the same time, cupping my hands around my nose and stepping backwards. He laughs harder at that. "Sorry, I was going to give you my phone so you can call your bosses." He fishes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to me.

I widen my eyes and hold the device delicately in my hands. I dial in the numbers that I've had etched into my brain. The line rings.

"Who is this?" the woman's soft voice carries through the phone.

"Hey Popo, it's me Bailey!"

"Oh Bailey! Are you alright? You're not home alone, are you? There was a snowstorm the other night and I haven't heard from you since," Popo says.

"Yes, I'm alright. I was staying over at a friend's and we've been snowed in. I wanted to call to let you know that I won't be able to make it to work for a few days, until the sanitation department comes to move all this snow." I cup the phone to my ear with two hands.

"Oh that's alright, don't worry about it Bailey! There won't be many customers at the tea shop with this snow anywho. Be safe and keep me updated!"

"Will do, Popo. You stay safe as well, bye!" I hang up. "Alright, now the pizza place."

My boss at the pizza place was a bit less friendly than Popo, but at least he allowed me to take a few days off. The call ended with him screaming to "get my ass over to the store the moment the snow is cleared, otherwise I can kiss this job goodbye." All in all, not too bad. I could feel Shaun's eyes on me as I was making my calls.

I look over at him just as I hang up. As suspected, Shaun's laying on his bed, propped up on his elbows and looking at me. "Take a picture, it'll last longer?" I say.

He smiles at me. "I think I will."

I roll my eyes as I gingerly place the phone in his hands. "I don't think so, kid. By the way, thanks for lending me the phone." I heave out a sigh, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

"It's no problem. Is everything cleared up now?"


"Good." He's still looking at me, deep in thought. "Sorry you weren't able to apply for university yesterday."

I shake my head. "It's not your fault. I can still apply next semester; the university isn't going anywhere." I hesitate.

"Thanks for what you said earlier, about me being...you know...strong." I look down at my feet.

"I meant it," Shaun says. He rolls over onto his back and closes his eyes. 

Pizza n' Tea: A Weird CombinationWhere stories live. Discover now