Dreams & Illusions

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Fin: 11/29/2021 2:01PM

"Hey Bailey," Shaun starts.

I grunt in acknowledgement as I inhale my fried rice. Shaun snorts at my reply.

"If you don't mind me asking, what do you want to study when you go to college?"

My jaw works slower as I attempt to swallow my mouthful of rice.

I hum, thinking. "Well...I've always been interested in business management and entrepreneurship. I think it's fascinating to learn about what makes a company tick. Like what works and what doesn't."

Shaun nods and makes an o with his mouth.

"I know, it seems kind of weird to be interested in this kind of stuff, especially since I don't have any experience at all," I say, eating another spoon of rice.

"No, not at all. I was just thinking that it seems to really fit you, y'know? Seems like it takes a lot critical thinking and other-other skills that smart people have."

I make a face at him. "But we barely know each other. How do you know that?"

Shaun's eyes dart to the side. "Well, you know. Intuition. I just get that vibe."

I crack a smile. "You can figure out people's brains based on a vibe? Sounds like you're the smart one."

"Whatever," he rolls his eyes. "So, what's the big plan after graduation? Got a company in mind? Or gonna start your own?" He walks over to the sink and picks up the sponge.

I get up to put my now empty bowl in the sink. "Ah, I don't know. There's this one company I want to work for. It's called Kayla Kommunications. Have you heard of it?"

Shaun's arm stops scrubbing and he furrows his brow. "Can't say that I have. What is it?"

"It's an up-and-coming music company that's been garnering attention in the last few years." I shrug, "I mean, I know, surprising, considering I don't really listen to the newest music, but I've always wanted to work in the music industry." I turn to face Shaun.

"It's amazing, they've just started but they're already doing so well. Someone must be doing something right in that company. They're hiring interns and, well, I haven't told anyone, but I applied for the internship." My eyes widen a bit, "Of course, it's a long shot for me to ever even get hired there, they seem like they're looking for the best of the best, plus they offer tuition assistance to interns—sorry I'm blabbing again—and my hand's a bit greasy," I say, rubbing my fingers together, and turning back towards the sink.

I reach out to turn on the faucet and realize too late Shaun's hand is already on the handle. I quickly withdraw my hand as if burned. "Sorry—" I snap my head to the side to glance at Shaun.

He's just staring at me. I'm staring back. It's a staring contest.

I clear my throat.


"I-I think you can definitely-definitely do it. You seem so hard-working and like such a go-getter," Shaun finally breaks the staring contest, "You got this."

I open my mouth. Then close it. What was that just now?

"Uh-yeah, thanks. I hope so."

"Mhm." He nods. Goes back to washing the dishes.


"Is that the phone ringing that I hear," Shaun shouts at me from the kitchen downstairs.

I haul myself up from his swivel chair in front of his keyboard and put down his guitar. I've been practicing some scales, trying to brush off the rust from my fingers.

Shaun's phone is lying on his bed facedown, but there's no doubt about it. Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" is blasting from the phone speakers.

I snicker. I'm about to grab his phone when Shaun pops up at the door, out of breath. He rushes over to the phone and silences it.

"Wanna live the teenage dream, huh?" I laugh.

His expression sours. "Whatever."

A chuckle sounds from the phone.

I freeze. "I thought you rejected the call," I whisper. Shaun's face mirrors mine. "Shit, I must've clicked the wrong button," he whispers back.

"I can hear you~" I dart out the room and shut the door before Shaun says anything else. Heart pounding, I lean on the wall in the hallway.

It sounds like an older woman's voice from the phone. Maybe his mom? I'm about to walk away when I overhear them talking.


Shaun sighs. "Yeah." The bed creaks as he must've sat down.

"Oooh, who is it? Do I know her? What's she doing over--?"

"Mother. Mom, chill. Not really a—" Maybe this isn't something I should be listening to...? I try to tear myself away from the wall, but I suddenly feel a lack of muscle coordination. Guess I'm staying.

"Most importantly, should I be expecting grandkids in my future?" I choke on my own spit.

"Mom!" With one hand around my throat and one hand covering my mouth, I try to smother my hacking fit.

"What, these are all legit questions. You better answer them, I'm dying to know."

He lets out another sigh. I finally catch my breath. And hold it.

"She's that girl from high school." Wait what?! So he does remember me?

"Wait. That girl? You mean the one you—" Well Mom's excited.

"Yes! Yes, that one, can we stop talking about this."

"—for 3 years?" she says. My breath catches. Three years? Darn, I missed a word.


"...Yes." There's an unmistakable sound of someone smacking their own forehead.

His mom cackles. "Maybe I will have grandkids soon!" My heart pounds. What the hell?

"Mom, stop. Stop talking about this. And can you lower your voice, please."

Head reeling and guilty enough from eavesdropping, I tiptoe back to my own room and lock the door. I can only hear faint sounds of conversation now.

I pull a desk chair over next to the giant window and pull aside the heavy curtain. Tucking my legs to my chest, I take out my Blackberry and cradle it in my hands. My heart rate slows and my breathing evens as I watch the snowflakes drift towards the picturesque, white ground. It's too smooth. Too perfect.

A perfect illusion. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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