(Extra: Chen Pi Ah Si's Story) Chapter 6: Sliced Heads

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The hitmen's leader looked at the water with an annoyed expression, and then glanced at Chun Si's family with a bitter smile. "How could my heads fall off like that?" As he spoke, he jumped into the water, floated up, and then turned around and said to the boat, "Brother, please boil some more water. My things have fallen, so I'll go look for them." With that said, he dove down.

Chun Si's dad was pale as he looked at the bunch of heads that had been thrown onto the bow. He was shaking all over as fear gripped his heart and a wave of nausea made his mind go blank. Several people he had just chatted with during the day were all dead. Their mouths were wide open, their blood had been washed away by the river long ago, their hair stuck to their faces, and their eyes stared vacantly at the boat's floorboards.

"Dear! Dear!" Chun Si's mother came up and shook him back to his senses, took the harpoon from his hands, and put the heads into the water. "Move, honey, move! Chun Si! Take over the scull!"

Chun Si wiped her tears, ran to the back of the boat, and began moving the scull back and forth. Chun Si's father stumbled towards the stern as if he were sleepwalking, tripped over something, and didn't get up for a long time.

At this time, Chun Shen poked his head out again, but was pressed back by his mother. She then took all the blankets that were hanging on the awning and covered Chun Shen while shouting, "Chun Si, go ashore, go ashore!"

Chun Si realized this, but she was in such a hurry that she couldn't turn the boat around. When the boat went up against the current, Chun Si's mother grabbed the scull, set the direction so that the ship leaned toward the shore, and then handed it back over to Chun Si. She then rushed to the awning and lifted Chun Si's father up while crying, "Dear! Dear!"

Chun Si's dad's eyes were unfocused, and he was clutching his chest and looking out at the lake. Chun Si's mother scooped up some of the lake water and threw it on his face. He shivered, came to his senses, and then grabbed the harpoon on the side. "Go! Go!"

The two of them rushed to the stern to replace Chun Si, but found that she was no longer guiding the scull.

Chun Si's mother screamed when she saw the soaking wet leader sitting on the stern with Chun Si's head pressed on the deck beneath him. Her neck had been cut in half, and a lot of blood was gushing out from her mouth and nose. Her legs were kicking wildly, and her eyes widened in horror as she looked at her parents, unable to even shed tears.

The leader's movements were very skilled, and the knife he used was very small. He quickly cut through the meaty part of her neck until only her spine was keeping her head connected to her body. He then gave a hard yank and Chun Si's head broke off.

"Oh, fuck. I'm sorry, big brother." The leader washed Chun Si's head in the water, threaded a cord through her neck and out her mouth, and then placed her head on the original string of heads, just like a fish. It appeared he had fished them up after Chun Si's mother had thrown them back into the water. "I can't find those flower drums just now. It's such a fucking hassle, but I have to get a few more as soon as possible. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Chun Si's dad let out a mournful cry, lifted the harpoon, and threw himself at the leader. They both fell into the water, but the leader broke free, turned around, and kicked Chun Si's dad away. When he surfaced, he started scolding, "What are you doing?"

"You fucking bastard!" Chun Si's father cursed at him with blood-shot eyes and went to stab him with the harpoon. The hitmen's leader swam backwards, dodged the harpoon, and then disappeared.

Chun Si's mother was still standing on the boat in a daze. As she squatted down and picked up Chun Si's lifeless body, tears started flowing uncontrollably from her eyes.

The leader popped out of the water, hoisted himself up on the boat, pulled a pistol from his water-proof bag, and then shot Chun Si's mother in the head. Her brain matter splashed under the boat's awning and landed all over Chun Shen's quilt. "You're really fucking sick."

Chun Si's dad screamed and tried to pull himself over the edge of the boat while still holding onto the harpoon, but the leader merely squatted down and shot him right between the eyes. Chun Si's father's brains splashed into the water.

For a moment, there was only the sound of the river lapping at the bottom of the boat.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? So what if you harpoon me?" The leader yelled at the corpse. "I call you brother and this is how you repay me?! Do you even have a conscience?!" He fired four more rounds at the body in the water.

After venting, he sat down, shook the blood from his hands, and then stretched out and dragged Chun Si's father's body up. Once that was done, he quickly began cutting off their heads with a knife. A large amount of blood flowed under the awning and into the hollow where Chun Shen hid, soaking into his quilt.

After finishing everything, the hitmen's leader suddenly took notice of Chun Si's body. Some of the buttons on her shirt had been torn off, exposing her snow-white belly. He unbuttoned the rest of her shirt and revealed the gentle and graceful curves. He played for a long time and wiped the blood off Chun Si's chest.

Chun Shen didn't fall asleep, but watched everything coldly through the gaps in the quilt. His eyes were the same as when Chen Pi had thrown him into the water before.

When the drumbeats started up again across the river, the leader spit in contempt, tidied up the heads, jumped into the water, and then swam towards them. As the boat drifted downstream to the shore, the fishing lights still burned bright.

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