(Extra: Chen Pi Ah Si's Story) Chapter 19: Commoners Like Ants

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"Well, this must really be fate if we were able to meet each other like this. Are you Chen Pi?" The accountant wasn't a fool. Although he was covered in a cold sweat and keeping his distance, he still bowed respectfully to Chen Pi. "You could say this coincidental meeting is fate at work. It's like seeing the dragon's head, but not its tail. Playing a trick like that really makes things lively."

Chen Pi was a little tired. He had just carried a heavy box all that way, so now his physical strength was a little overdrawn. He turned to look at the accountant. Not only was he wondering what to do about Huang Kui, but now he was wondering why the accountant was looking for him. It was a little annoying.

Without waiting for Chen Pi's response, the accountant immediately laid out all the gifts and whispered, "These thousand coins are for helping me eliminate those useless and troublesome people last night. According to the market, this is the price that Chen Pi asked for. I also came to send these gifts and clothes as a welcoming present. If these things are satisfactory, my boss wanted to know if you'd like to have a meal with him?"

"Helped you? How did I help you?" Chen Pi felt his heart move as he looked at the thousand coins, and he immediately sat up.

At that moment, Chen Pi felt as if his heart had undergone a faint change, but it was too fleeting to grasp.

For the first time in his life, someone came to him with a gift and even talked to him in such a polite way.

"Hehehe." Upon seeing Chen Pi's reaction to the money, the accountant relaxed and thought to himself, commoners really can be moved by a thousand coins. It's just as Mr. Advisor expected.

He took a deep breath, and smiled, "You helped me. Surely you must know how. I don't know how my gang offended you recently, Master Chen Pi, but my boss was glad when you helped kill Shuixiang. It just so happened that our boss saw how she wasn't doing her job, and wanted to take care of her. But you went and did it for us. So, thank you. But this shows that there must be some kind of misunderstanding between Master Chen Pi and our gang, so my boss prepared a dining table in the Houde room at Baiping Building. In the future, this "hundred coin" business will flourish, and we Huang Kui will have more opportunities to work with Chen Pi."

Chen Pi immediately understood, "Are you from Huang Kui?"

"Yes. I'm the accountant."

"Your people are waiting for me to eat at Baiping Building?" Chen Pi suddenly smiled, and his hands shook with excitement.

"The feast is ready." The accountant looked at Chen Pi with a smile, and knew that he had completely fallen for the advisor's trap.

He had been in Huang Kui for so many years and followed Mr. Advisor the whole time. Although the middle-aged changshan man had many quirks, he was very accurate when it came to judging people, and could read most of them in a single glance. With two or three well-placed moves, he could set people up to walk right into the traps he had designed. After that, the changshan man had complete control over them.

"Commoners are like ants. They'll move when you pull them, and die when you twist their legs off." This was what the changshan man often said. He was so arrogant that many people thought he wouldn't live long in Huang Kui, but over the years, all those who wanted to touch him ended up dying. Not only did Boss really trust him, but his men didn't even dare discount his words, because they never failed to come true. The reckless ones feared the hitmen's leader, while the other three gangs and five factions were afraid of Huang Kui. But that was more because of this advisor.

If the current situation wasn't so turbulent, it would truly be a loss having the advisor deal with a brat like Chen Pi. But it was probably because it involved Shuixiang, and the advisor had a personal stake in it.

As the accountant was thinking all this, he looked at Chen Pi. He decided the best course of action was to respectfully take Chen Pi to Baiping Building, and flatter him along the way. Other people would give him looks for treating a beggar like this, but he didn't care. After taking Chen Pi to the private room in Baiping Building, everything would be over, and Changshan wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. Yes, Changshan wouldn't remember that his casual game had ruined someone's life.

Chen Pi stood up, walked over to the gifts, pulled out a piece of clothing from inside, and held it up. The accountant chuckled to himself when he saw Chen Pi hold the clothes up to his shoulders. This boy knows how to dress up, he thought to himself.

Before he could react, Chen Pi stabbed him in the heart.

The accountant was shocked, and looked down to find that blood was flowing from his heart. Chen Pi pressed the clothes over his heart and stuffed them into the wound on his chest. The accountant couldn't believe what had just happened as he slowly collapsed in Chen Pi's corner of the temple.

Chen Pi looked around, but no one had noticed what was going. He wiped his hands and turned around before taking off his clothes and walking back to the gifts. He found a new outfit and put it on, finding that he looked somewhat magnificent. He headed to Baiping Building with a thousand coins in his arms, two pistols, and nine pineapple knives.

He didn't notice, but Changshan was in a nearby tree watching the whole thing. He felt happy when he saw the knife stab into the accountant's chest.

He knew Chen Pi was this kind of person, but he didn't expect Chen Pi to kill the accountant like this. It was really vulgar.

Those who were being schemed against never knew that they were being schemed against. The accountant saw him scheming against so many people, and always thought that it would never happen to him. This was the sorrow of commoners. Changshan's face suddenly darkened as he remembered that the accountant had mistakenly entered his room the day before yesterday. At that time, his concubine hadn't yet entered the inner courtyard. He was playing with her feet, but didn't have the chance to cover them up before the accountant saw them.

Those small ankles were as thin as chopsticks, and he was afraid he wouldn't be able to find anything like them again. The accountant was very effective, but Changshan didn't sleep well for several days. He couldn't accept the fact that the pig-eyed accountant had actually seen his own private things. Damn it, he'd definitely think about those ankles when he went back. If he didn't, then he'd probably think about them when he masturbated. How the fuck was that ok?

Changshan was covered in goosebumps, and feeling extremely sad. He cried like a baby when he beat the concubine to death, and swore to himself that the accountant was doomed to die. He had to pay for inflicting this bad karma on his girl.

When he climbed down from the tree, he was met by several guys who had been waiting for him. Changshan gave them a look. "Go and tell Boss that Chen Pi killed my accountant and looked down on Huang Kui. I want to take his life." One of the men left, while the others followed behind Changshan, silently trailing Chen Pi to Baiping Building.

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