Chapter 12

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"Here's your tea girls" a waiter puts down two glasses in front of us. Asami thanks the waiter and looks over at me smiling. Before taking her tea she looks towards me and let's go of my hand.

"This is the perfect vacation. I couldn't think of anyone else I'd rather be with." She leans over and kisses me.

"Me either." I grab her hand and kiss it one last time enjoying the view of the mountains and the blue sky. It's the perfect background to highlight Asami's beautiful face.

Suddenly things go dark; the tea and mountains disappear. "The world doesn't need the avatar anymore, Korra." I hear from the distance. Great, here we go again. Another speech from someone saying how the world will be better off without me. Wonder who it could be this time.

"You're wrong. The world needs the Avatar to keep the peace."

"Hehe you just keep telling yourself that." Another voice from the distance. Strangely enough both of these voices sound familiar but I can't place how.

"Korra help!" I quickly turn my head to see Asami struggling in someone's arms. She's trying to break free but she can't.

"Asami" I go to earth bend and nothing happens. That can't be right. I try fire bending this time and still nothing. "What? How is this happening?" I start to feel the anger take over me, sweat pouring down my face.

I hear those same voices start laughing. "We told you. The world doesn't need you anymore." I hear a scream and quickly realize it came from Asami and I start sprinting towards her.

"Asami!" No matter how fast I run I can't seem to get close. "Don't you hurt her!"

"You're the one who is hurting her." One of the figures finally comes to light and I freeze.

"No. It can't be....Amon...I-I stopped you!" The rage I felt before was replaced by panic. "I stopped you!"

I see Asami by Amon still in the grasp of someone else. "I swear if you hurt her!"

"Then what? You'll stop us like you did before?" A third familiar voice. This time no secret behind it. It's my Uncle. "Oh Spirits help us, I'm shaking in my boots." My Uncle mocks as he holds Asami. "Please everyone knows how you feel for her. The easiest way to break you is by breaking her." He starts to squeeze and Asami yells in pain dropping to her knees.

Then the other figure appears revealing his face. "You can never stop us. The Red Lotus isn't something that can be stopped. We aren't something that can be stopped." Zaheer starts air bending the oxygen away from Asami as I see her eyes start to dim.

"Oh Korra dear, We are always here with you." They said in unison until Amon walks up and grabs ahold of me putting one hand on my forehead. I feel helpless. I start thrashing and yelling, crying out for help, crying to Asami that I'm sorry I failed her, sorry I didn't tell her sooner, sorry for letting her down. My mind is flooded with thoughts of what the future I could have had with her all vanish.

"Korra!" I hear Asami's voice in the distance. "Korra please!" My eyes open and I'm back in the room in Brightmoon with Asami holding me and looking down with a worried expression on her face.

"Korra are you okay?"

"Yeah." I pant trying to catch my breath. "I'm much better now." I look down from her eyes to her lips remembering the dream and the future that vanished.

She brushes my sweaty hair out of my face. "What was that? You were sweating so bad in your dream and tossing and turning and I kept trying to wake you—" her eyes darted down.

I didn't think I just reacted. I reacted to the worried expression on Asami's face and the adrenaline pulsing through my body. I reacted to the feeling I had in my stomach when she was the first one I opened my eyes to from that nightmare. I reacted out of losing her in that nightmare and never wanting to lose her again.

I placed my hand gently behind Asami's neck and leaned in until our lips touched. The feeling of her soft lips pressed against mine ignited a fire within me.

That fire quickly went out when she pulled away. "Korra....I..."


"Asami let me apolo—" I'm stopped mid sentence by her kissing me. This time she leans more into the kiss pulling me closer reigniting that fire before pulling away.

"Don't apologize." The look in her eyes that were filled with worry are now filled with a different look. I can't place exactly what the look is but whatever it is it's making me melt.

We lay there for a moment until she breaks the silence. "Soo....."


"Where did that kiss come from?"

My face blushes. "I don't know what you mean,"

"Oh stop, you know exactly what I mean." She gives a flirty smile. "How long have you been wanting to do that?"

"Honestly...for awhile now. I just never knew you felt the same way and you were with Mako before and—"

"You were with Mako, too." She teases.

"Okay yeah but I think everyone knew that was a failure from the start." We both laugh. "What about you?"

"Since we first started hanging out really I knew there was something about you. Even when I was with Mako it never felt right. Not like it does when I'm around you. But, I think I really figured it out after your battle with Zaheer."

"Wow, really?"

She nods. "Yeah. I mean I almost lost you. In more than one way." She lays her head on my chest and we just lay there until there's a knock at the door.

"Time to wake up you guys!"

"Coming!" We both groan at the same time which then turns to laughter.

A/N heyyyyyooooo what's this? Two in one day? Annnnnd not to mention the kiss! I know it wasn't this huge romantic scene between them but it just felt right.

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