Chapter 1

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"Korra! It's time for you to go class." Tenzin yells from down the hall. Yeah yeah yeah I know, I'm the avatar in college and still live with adults. When you're the avatar it's hard to have a place to call your own. After all, I do more traveling than the average person does. Keeping the balance in the world is a constant job that requires a lot of traveling. Thankfully I travel with my friends Asami (who I have a major crush on and I'm fairly certain she has a crush on me), Mako, and Bolin.

They all started college last semester while I was off attending to another matter in a place called Brightmoon. Tenzin and my parents thought that it would be good for me to have a little piece of a "normal young adult life" and apparently that means experiencing the joys of college.

I throw on a blue tank top (I know I have good arms, plus it shows off my watertribe tattoo) with some dark blue jeans and white hightop sneakers before heading downstairs. "Thanks for the reminder Tenzin. It'll be great seeing everyone again. Ready to go Naga?"

Naga begins licking my face in excitement when Tenzin interrupts, "Korra you know Republic City University doesn't allow animals on their campus." Naga stops licking my face and begins to pout.

"It's okay Naga. When I come back from class we will go wherever you want to." Naga gives one last kiss before nudging me out the door.

I head out the door and airbend an airscooter to get me to class quicker. I see Asami in the distance getting off her Future Industries motorcycle. Damn, she looks good riding a bike—granted she looks good doing anything. "Korra! Hi!" She runs up and slams into me giving me a hug.

"Asam! It's so good to see you. I've missed you." I hug her back and we stay that way longer than any friendship hug should be, as the hug continues I start getting tingly feelings in my stomach. I think it's what people call butterflies? All of a sudden we get interrupted by Mako and Bolin.

"Hey guys! Look Mako! It's Korra and Asami!" He runs up to us and joins in our hug. "I've missed you guys so much!" He starts tearing up.

"Bolin take it easy. You just saw Asami yesterday." Mako ripped his brother off of us before I let go of Asami. He halfway looks at me, "Hey Korra."

"Hey guys! It's so good to see you! So what all are you guys studying here? I mean I get why Mako and Bolin are in college, but Asami you own Future Industries and are a genius." I gesture.

"Hey now, just because I have a successful company doesn't mean that I can't still have fun and learn a new thing or two." She winks at me and my face gets red and I start to panic on the inside.

"Yeah Korra." Mako says annoyed. "What did you do over last semester. I heard you visited some place called Brightmoon?"

"Oh yeah! They were having a civil war with some group named the Horde. The Horde was destroying their land and making everyday life a struggle; I had to do something to help. I actually met some really nice people there and made some new friends!"

"Shoot! Guys we have to go or we are going to be late. Korra I think you're in the same class as me. Bolin, Mako we will meet up with you guys for lunch." Asami takes my hand and we rush off to class.


We reach our class and take two seats next to each other in the middle. Asami suggested being in the front but I told her the back is better so we settled for the middle of the room. I hear two familiar voices from behind me and turn around to see if it's who I think it is.

"Hey Catra, hey Adora! What are you guys doing here?" I turn towards Asami. "Asami these are the new friends from Brightmoon I was telling you about earlier."

"It's so nice to meet you Asami, Korra has told us a lot about you." Catra said teasing me.

"Don't worry its all good things! I mean you have nothing bad about you so of course they're all good things." I try to quickly recover but only end up feeling like I dug a bigger hole for myself and feel my face get red hot as I embarrass myself.

Asami noticed and smiled at me so sweetly and the look in her eyes puts me at ease. "It's so nice to meet you two. Thank you for taking care of Korra. She can be a bit of a handful sometimes." She shakes their hands. "Why don't you guys join us after class for lunch? We are meeting up with a couple other friends, but you'll like them don't worry."

She has such a way with people. She is so kindhearted and wholesome that you can't help but to like Asami. "Yeah that's a great idea. After we can show you guys around Republic City too." I chime in and say.

"What do you say Adora?" Catra turns to look up at Adora.

"Sounds great to me! I was so worried when we first came here that we wouldn't find you and we would be in over our heads." Adora said.

Class begins and I slowly start to nod off to sleep.

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