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I drop my heated forehead onto the cold metal rim of the glass wall that surrounds my terrace

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I drop my heated forehead onto the cold metal rim of the glass wall that surrounds my terrace. A dull headache is beginning to annoy me.
Just like the sentences that keep repeating, over and over...

"What are you scared of Ezgi?"

"Of falling in love with you."

"You promised you wouldn't"

"I know I did and I'm still trying hard to keep that promise, but..."

And then, stupidly, in my panic, I interrupted her and asked her if she'd drunk too much.
I didn't want her to regret saying it.
I wanted her to be sure.
I need her to be sure.
Has she fallen in love with me?

But, she didn't finish what she was going to say and in fact she didn't say much of anything else, the rest of the evening, even with the plate of food and tea that I got her to consume.
It was meant to sober her up a bit, yet it just made her tired.
She rested her head and closed her eyes, going straight to sleep as soon as we started the drive home.
I thought she might stir when I pulled over to get my sweatshirt from the back seat and drape it over her.
But she didn't.
Or when I stroked her cheek with the back of one finger.
But she still didn't.

I brooded on it, all the way back. Looking across at her.
My sleeping beauty.

Then we were home, and she woke up, groggily put on my sweatshirt, didn't hug me in the lift, (even though  I stroked her hair) and she turned to go to her own apartment!
She didn't want to sleep with me.

Then she teased me by pulling me back to her, but only to return my forehead kiss and finally she shut her front door in my face.

And I haven't seen her since then...that was two days ago.

Tonight, I've paced up and down, outside.
I've even thought about knocking on the patio doors, because I can see that a side light is on inside, but finally, after much deliberation with Tesla, I've sent her a text.

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