chapter 2

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Rose's POV

I woke up to movement next to me, as I opened my eyes I was greeted with the sight of Mateo lying next to me, I shot up and looked around the room for Mary when she wasn't in sight I started to panic breathing faster and unevenly. My mind began to flood with questions. I started to feel hot and attempted to kick off the heavy blankets. What I didn't know was that I had woken Mateo in the process. Hot tears started to stream down my face as breathing quickened. A sob racked my body as I felt a hand on my back. I turned to see Mateo with his finger to his lip.

"Shh it's ok, i'm right here, you're ok. it's ok." he whispered. He wiped my tears and pushed my hair out of my face. I relaxed into his touch and slowly my tears subsided.

"Thank you," I whispered. He smiled and started to get up. "Mateo? who are you?"

He smirked at me and sat back down, "I'm a person who does bad things for work, but I'm not bad."

"What do you do?"

He sighed. looking conflicted, like he didn't want to tell me. "Me and Christopher are the heads of the Italian mafia."

I gasped quietly, he smiled at me and whispered, "You can't tell anyone who you really are, they think you're just here for a one night stand and will hurt you if they find you. No one is allowed on this floor without my mine or brother's permission so you can stay here as long as you need. There is a kitchen down the hall and your friend is right across the hall with Christopher. Don't be worried about her, he will keep her safe just make sure you stay on this floor if I'm not here with you."

I nodded and got up, we went to Mary's room once I was changed so I could stay with her while they went to 'run some errands' but when we opened the door we saw them still asleep and cuddled up together like two little bears. Mateo smirked and pulled me out of the room. we went down the hall down all the stairs and outside. He dragged me through a beautiful garden that I didn't have time to admire and all the way to a stable.

I gasped and made my way through the stable admiring all the beautiful purebreds. At the end of the stable there was one horse that stuck out to me, a Clydesdale that looked to be pregnant. I turned quickly to face Mateo with excitement. He came over and saw what I was looking at. He smiled at me and brought my hand to the horse's nose. it whined and licked my arm. He then led me to a beautiful large black horse that was already prepared, he lifted me onto it then climbed on in front of me. He led the horse out and through the gardens taking his time so I could get a good view of everything, including a romantic little pond with gorgeous vibrant flowers surrounding it. On our way back we chatted quietly about France and Italy and this restaurant he insisted on taking me to. When the horse was all groomed and put back we made our way back to the house in a comfortable silence.

"You know, I know how to ride a horse, it's one of the things my parents insisted I know how to do,'' I said.

"Why didn't you tell me I would have prepared another for you?"

" I was ok with riding with you and I didn't want to put you through the trouble,"

He gave me a look as if to say I was the most intriguing creature to walk earth and I giggled at his dumbstruck face. we made our way back up to the fourth floor without seeing a soul, it was kind of exciting I felt dangerous sneaking around, and with a boy no less, my mother would freak! We tried checking on Christopher and Mary again and found them fighting.

"You. Want. Me. To. Do. What?" Mary screamed.

"I want you to get dressed and come with me in the limo, my mother wants me to be married so I need someone to pretend so I'm not stuck with someone annoying who is just gonna do what I want and isn't gonna tell me what she wants." he said frustrated.

Mateo laughed and whispered in my ear, "I think my brother has a little crush."

I giggled as his breath hit my neck, but my smile fell when Mary noticed us. I waved, turned around, grabbed Mateo's hand and ran from the room. " So, where's that kitchen you were talking about?"

He led me to the kitchen and pulled out a chair for me. He grabbed an apron and started flying back and forth through the room collecting supplies and turning on ovens. Finally he turned with two plates of what looked like chocolate cake. He smiled and placed the warm dessert in front of me. it was delicious!

"How does it taste beautiful?" he smiled gently as I nodded my head, still devouring the cake.

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