chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Mateo's POV

"What have these girls done to us?" Christopher whispered.

I didn't know, I used to be silent and bored by everything but In the past two days I have smiled more than my entire life. I have asked her on a date, which I have never done before, and I didn't try anything with her. I have fallen for the girl with sparkly blue eyes and the most adorable personality.

I carried her to my bed and carefully set her down before laying beside her. She moved closer to me in her sleep and curled up fitting perfectly in my arms. I smiled and drifted into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning she didn't wake up scared or crying, she just rolled over and tapped my nose. when I opened my eyes she quickly shut hers and tried to hide her smile. I kissed her nose, got up and ran out of the room. I could hear her quiet footsteps chasing after me and ran to the sitting room where I hid behind the couch. she ran in giggling and looking around she looked behind every plant and when she looked behind the curtains beside the couch I attacked,I pulled her in by her waist. she gasped and turned around In my arms, she looked up at me with her adorable smile and whispered "What's for breakfast?"

I laughed and spun her around, "What would you like for breakfast darling?"

"Can we have cake again?"

I nodded while pulling her to the kitchen. Today I put an apron on her as well and she helped me make the cake. Christopher and Mary walked in soon after the cake was in the oven and we were cleaning up, when Rose saw Mary she ran over and hugged her and they ran to the other side of the long room so we couldn't hear them. I could see them jumping around and giggling with each other like young school girls. Christopher came and stood next to me, also watching the girls, "How long do we have to wait before it's not weird to ask them out?" he asked me.

"I already asked Rose out. We are going out for dinner this weekend." I smiled.

"you're kidding! Dude! I'm so happy for you! do you think Mary will go out with me?"

"Yeah I think she would," said a feminine voice.

We turned and saw the girls, our girls. my jaw dropped and I shared a look with rose. The cake beeped so we quickly grabbed and ran out of the room giving my brother and Mary some space.

When we got back to my room we shut the door and sat on the floor. We forgot the forks In the rush of leaving we just used our hands.I laughed at her cake covered face and wiped a blob of icing from her cheek. Her eyes widened and she ran to the bathroom to clean her face. When she came back she was dressed, had a clean face and her teeth were pearly white. She smiled and grabbed my hand, we went downstairs and she led me outside to the garden. She let go of my hand and started running, her knee length dress billowing out behind her. I chased after her laughing as she took sharp turns and went in circles.

When she finally stopped we were at the pond in the very center of the garden, I wrapped my arms around her waist and she whispered "isn't it beautiful."

"Yeah I whispered back but all I saw was her. I picked her up and spun her around. I grabbed the ties on her dress and pulled her out of the garden and to the pool. She looked at me confused so I motioned for her to come closer. She walked over and I pulled her the rest of the way into my chest before jumping Into the pool.

We splashed each other and swam for the rest of the day still in our clothes. When we finally got out and decided to have dinner I realized her dress was see through. I quickly took off my shirt and wrapped It around her wet frame. She smiled and we quickly ran through the house with our wet footprints leaving a trail to my room. we changed into warm dry clothes and she jumped on my back and I carried her to the kitchen, We made Kraft dinner and went to the sitting room. She grabbed the converter and turned on Cinderella. she cuddled up beside me and soon fell asleep.

I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer, by the end of the movie I had fallen asleep too, so for the night we stayed right there.

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