Oh crap!

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TW this chapter contains issues that may upset some readers x

Last night was good but how I predicted, I am starting to regret it a little anyways, my head is pounding. I have the day off today so all I'm going to do is spend time with my girl. Might take her to one of those soft plays, kids like that right?

The warm embrace of strong arms tighten a little around my bare waist, this feels good, I feel safe. I place my arm on top of his and hold on tight.

It almost feels like the past year hasnt happened, as if weve gone back in time. The air is filled with that dusty type smell that I had gotten used to back at the loft space me and Alex shared. That apartment was everything I had dreamed of. Tall ceilings with an open plan kitchen, living room, bedroom. It was so spacious and not to toot my own horn but was decorated amazingly.

I always knew I was safe there, even with all the drunks and stoners nearby. Mainly because of alex but also just the vibes the place gave off.

I feel a harsh lustrous kiss sucking on the bottom of my neck, hungry as ever. I wasnt that into it so early in the morning today so without intention I let out a quiet complain saying "Alex not yet"

I hadnt had any experience like this since Alex so of course his was the name that slipped out. The arms around me were rapidly pulled out and there he was looking over me.
Jason Myers. The last wrong before the right. My body freezes in fear, last time he was near me he hit me and he ended up being the one who was worse off.

"Oh ALEX" he shouts and I start to shiver.

I say nothing.

"ALEX" he repeats obviously incredibly pissed off with me.

With no movement from myself and no where of getting out of the situation I am in at this moment his hand reaches over his head and comes rushing down as if it were a cart on a rollercoaster and swiped across my face. His ring on his index slicing through my lips and I can already feel a bruise forming.

I'm not too sure how this keeps happening to me, what's wrong with me? More importantly why did chest peckwell come back for me after Alex warned him off.

His hand goes up again rearing to make contact with my face again but this time I dont stay still. This time i move, I squirm about trying to escape his grasp but theres no use, I cant get out.

After he goes to get a shower I quietly sneak out of the grotty hotel room grabbing my things on the way and start to call Link.

*Hi it's Link, I'm probably in surgery leave one at the beep*  his automatic voicemail says.

"Ugh fucks sakeee" I yell closing the hotel door behind me running a random direction. I have no idea where I am, I thought I knew Seattle well, obviously not well enough.

I go to try Amelia's phone and thank god she answers. "Amelia, hi, are you busy" I ask thanking god shes actually answered.

"Just a little Jo, I'm in surgery with Link, why what's up?" Oh now I know link is actually in surgery and wasnt just blowing me off.

"Oh doesnt matter I'll talk to you later" I end the phone before she gets chance to reply to me.

After trying to get a hold of Mer and Maggie which has failed, I have no other options of what to do.

I'm lost. I'm alone.


After wandering around for what feels like an hour I get a message from Alex. Omg alex I forgot he was in town, maybe he could come and get me. Or maybe not with his kids the way they are.

Hey Jo, havent heard from you since yesterday morning, everything okay? -Alex

I leave him on read for a couple minutes whilst trying to build the courage to actually ask him. And to let him see me looking like this... again. Last time I showed up at his house like this from Jason, he said he would have killed him. Do I dare tell him who it was?

Alex, can you come pick me up? -Jo

Why what's wrong? -Alex

Just please come and get me, I'm not sure how to get back -Jo

Okay where are you? -Alex

I look around me to find a sign which might give an indication to where I might be and then Alex can find me. I walk up to a near my gas station and see a sign saying Denny Way which must be where I am.

Denny Way gas station -Jo

Okay I'm coming -Alex

About 40 minutes later I see a shiny, black range rover come into the gas station. Alex jumps out of the car and I immediately see him and get up. I try as hard as I can to hide the cuts and bruises that have shown along my face but it's no use, he'll be able to see them.

"Jo what happened to you, why didnt you tell me" he says slightly angry but more concerned and I know that the anger in his voice isnt directed at me but whoever did this.

"Just take me home please" I beg weakened from walking around.

"Okay I will" he says whilst wrapping his arms around me making me feel as though all of this was just a terrible dream.


Weve been in the car for about 15 minutes and neither of us have said a word so I decide to break the tension.

"You remember the day you first said you loved me?" I ask.

"Of course I do, it was in the storm, Mer had just had Bailey and I said how the night before you wanted me to say it but then the tree crashed through my house so I said it then. Then I pulled you in and we kissed" he says reciting the key points to that night. "Why you bringing it up?" He asks.

"You asked me what happened to me so I'm telling you." I tell him everything from getting black out drunk the night before, to waking up with Jason, to getting repeatedly hit across the face. The one thing I did leave out was my accidental saying his name.

"He did this to you again?" He says anger growing in his voice by the second.

I nod my head slightly though as it hurts to move it lots.

"I'm going to murder him." He says muffled thinking I couldnt hear what he said, but I know, I heard.

Right I'm going to end this chapter here bc I just got my nails done and it's hard to type. Hope you liked the chapter... anyone guessed who it was right? x

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