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Have you ever played a game of darts?

Sometimes you close your eyes and throw the salient point at the board, having no idea where it's going to hit...other times you open your eyes and aim directly, knowing the general area it's going to score.

Either way, it was amusing to find out how close or far you were to your target and each time wanting to get closer to where you want it to hit. After you started, it was hard to stop.

That's the game Noctifer was playing right now...but it was a little different than your average game.

A man chained against a wall, screaming bloody murder at the top of his lungs as Noctifer closed his eyes and aimed the dart with the cutting edge. He had close to 50 sharp and bloody darts sticking out of his skin.

The metal point stained in the metallic red as it stuck to his flesh, buried deep as gore oozed out.

Leo stood next to him with a malicious smirk, occasionally aiming the dart himself. Purposely 'missing' and having to 'aim again, to redeem himself.'

"Are you sorry now, Jenson?" Leo smirked as he walked up to him and pushed one of the darts deeper into his body, making the man cry in anguish.

"P-please-" Jenson started before a dart was thrown right into his mouth, puncturing his tongue and through the back of his throat, through his uvula. He gurgled as blood seeped out of his mouth, slowly smothering him in his own blood.

Noctifer smirked as the man's body squirmed against the wall and the life slowly left his body.

"Why'd you do that? I wanted to take his eyes out first," Leo sighed, disappointed. 

Noctifer rolled his eyes as his phone began to ring.

It was from Adrian.

He answered it as he walked out of the warehouse.

"How was your day?" Adrain sweet-talked with a nervous undertone. Cameron instantly stopped in his tracks, wary of where this was leading.

"I was playing darts," he monotoned.

"That's Nice! Anything else interesting?" he sweet-talked once more.

"Adrian, get to the point," Cameron rolled his eyes as he got into his McLaren. A sound of Adrian clearing his throat was heard on the other end.

"Don't be mad but a guy is hardcore-staring Ariella. What do you want me to do?" Adrian deadpanned.

Noctifer froze as his hands tightened around the steering wheel.

"I'll be right there," he scowled before he hung up.


After she covered up the hickey that Cameron left the night before, she decided she needed coffee since she was yawning every five seconds.

She walked down to the lobby where Adrain waited for her with her laptop in her Burberry Tote.

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