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Long chapter ahead!

Lucas's POV

I need more coffee.

I set the mug down as I ignored my desperate need for caffeine and looked at the case file instead. 

The file was literally paper-thin.

Looks like another all-nighter to me.

I mentally jumped off a cliff as I pinched the bridge of my nose. Why couldn't I have decided to become a professional Netflix watcher instead?

Why did I make life hard for myself and decide to be a detective?

"It'll be exciting," they said. 

Exciting my ass.

I sighed as I got up to get myself 10 cups of coffee and a reason to live. I was stopped in my tracks when my secretary came into my office. 

"Sir, some important looking-men are asking for you. They seem pretty adamant about seeing you," she informed me. 

"Tell them to respectfully fuck off, please," I responded, looking at the coffee machine longingly. 

"I already tried telling them that you only take appointments but all of them...ehm...were heavily armed," she told me.

Why...just why?

I literally facepalmed so hard that it echoed through the whole room as my secretary winced at the sound. 

I don't have the energy for this.

"Send them in," I yawned through the scowl. 

I hate the human race.

She nodded and left. A few moments later, the door opened to reveal 2 men and a woman with the outline of guns through their blazers. 

I bet they think they're cool and shit. 

Well, guess what?

I have a gun too. A lot of them.

Take that strangers.

One man had dark brown hair, looked middle-aged but had the build of a boxer. His dark russet eyes narrowed at me and looked like he was heavily analyzing me. The tattoo on his hands already told me all I needed to know.

He's in the mafia. 

Bratva to be exact.

My gaze shifted from one of annoyance and boredom to one of seriousness. Why was the Bratva in Maine?

The woman next to him and dark hair that cut off at her shoulders, natural curls bouncing with each breath. She looked around the same age as the men with the same malignant look in her eyes. She had the same tattoo on her fist as the other man.

Then my eyes scanned the taller man. His hair was a graying bright blonde while his eyes were dark graphite. He looked more threatening and more dangerous than the other man. He had a more deadly build too. His mouth was formed into a scowl, his eyes dark and lethal. 

The tattoo that was on the other 2 people was on the side of his neck, slightly hidden by the suit. 

He was the Pakhan. 

Aslan Volkov. The man next to him must be his right hand, Tobias Smirnoff.

I don't remember pissing off any mafia...

Oh well, death here I come.

"Are you Lucas Montgomery?" the Pakhan spoke, his tone ridiculing. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now