~Ice cream~

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18 years ago...

In the glimmering day, the sun sat high against the baby blue sky in a quiet park in Maine. Shining upon everything it could see, so not a living or unliving thing would bask in darkness.

Except one thing remained out of its range. Or rather...someone...

A lonely little boy with a mess of jet-black curls covering some of his face and falling loosely to crown his head. Crowning him as the new divine of the night as the sun doomed his existence.

His tiny hands held his jaw up while his elbows were on his small knees. He was a tiny little thing as he sat against a tree trunk, its branches, and leaves hiding him from the sun's watchful gaze.

His clothes are tattered and old from the hardship a young child should never have to endure. His stomach empty and growling so much it hurt his little body. His legs were tired and his eyes were bloodshot and puffy.

His eyes artic and sharp, bright with a sapphire glow. They held utter hopelessness, hardship, innocence, and grief.

His stomach gurgled with hunger as he sighed, tears glossing over his imperial-blue eyes that were full of lost hope.

An angelic and innocent giggling noise caught his attention as he turned to the source of the sound.

A young little girl, with bright blonde hair that was held up by colorful hair ties on each side of her head. Her baby pink dress around her even smaller frame as it bounced from her giggling and jumping. Her eyes were evergreen-jade with sparks of chartreuse and molten yellow. They told a story of hope, innocence, purity, and an underlying sense of trauma.

He couldn't help but stare as she giggled at the ice-cream man's jokes as he handed her two chocolate ice-cream cones. She said her thank you's as she skipped over to the shaded area by the large tree.

The little boy stared in curiosity as this girl came in front of him with two ice-creams. 'She must be really hungry' the boy thought. He was caught off guard when she handed him the second one with a megawatt smile.

He hesitantly and awkwardly took it, confused and doubtful. The little girl plopped down next to him as she stuck out her hand to him.

"Hi! My name is Ariella Grey!" she chirped as the boy shook her tiny hand in his own small one.

Ariella had seen this little boy sitting alone under the tree while the other kids on the playground swung on swings or slid down the slides. Ariella knew what it felt like to be lonely and all she knew was that it didn't feel good.

'He must be hungry!' Ariella thought as she skipped over to the ice cream truck.

"I'm Cameron Dark," he responded. Ariella looked into his eyes and couldn't look away, and he felt the same as he stared into her green orbs.

"Do you wanna be my friend?" Ariella asked as he took a lick of his ice cream,  his hunger satisfied.

Ariella never had any friends and neither did Cameron. They were both outcasts for something they couldn't control. However, Ariella had a feeling that they would be good friends.

A friendship that would last lifetimes, maybe?

Cameron nodded with a small smile as he adoringly looked at her smile and eyes that lit up.

Suddenly, a turning sensation occurred in his tummy and he looked down at it, confused. When it kept happening when he looked at Ariella he decided to dismiss it.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now