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He couldn't explain how easy it was to break into her penthouse.

By now, he had been observing -or more like stalking- her for 4 weeks. He would scope out her penthouse-which he owned- from a neighboring building, also one of which he owned.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, she would go to one of Columbia's library's to tutor from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

He found it curious that she only worked 5 hours 2 days a week and afford to live in the most expensive and hard-to-get-by cities. She had to have some sort of side job or maybe a trust fund, he inquired.

But he also knew that she would never step out of her penthouse other than those 2 days. All groceries and necessities were delivered to her once a week on Mondays at 8.am.

But other than that, she would be cooped up in her office, typing for hours on end for who-knows-what, he thought.

Sometimes she would even skip out on meals and sleep in her office just to type.

He knew it wasn't exactly the first expression he wanted to make, but he was Noctifer and it was just something he would do and he didn't know any different. He had gotten where she lived from one of his best hackers in record time. Well, he did threaten to shoot his knee caps if he didn't have them in the next 30 seconds, but that wasn't important.

Stalking wasn't the best option but it was the best way he knew how. He never had much experience with relationships and he didn't resort to sex as most did in his profession. He was experienced but not a manwhore.

He had waited 18 years for her to be his first actual relationship and because through everything...they had a history as old as the night.

He's a criminal with no experience in love or how to woo a woman. Cut him at least a little slack.

What was he supposed to say?

"Hey I'm a famous criminal and I have been looking for you for the last 18 years."

That would be one hell of a starter line but one that would make her think he's psychotic.

He was psychotic but he didn't want her to find out right away.


He studied the expensive marble, posh furniture, and vast space in her luxurious pent-house as he found similarities between his estate and her residence. They were both mostly black and gray.

The whole place exhaled her lilac and vanilla perfume and he couldn't get enough.

He was addicted already.

It was just intoxicating in the best way.

He ventured into her large closet and found rows and racks of rare, and high-end clothing items and accessories.

Shelves of luxury brands surrounded the room. He knew he would only add to them with the endless amount of things he was going to spoil her with.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw black lace peeking out of a drawer.

He knew that whoever would snoop through her underwear was down-right creepy and disgusting and he was not one to be associated with those kinds of people; so he left, not wanting to violate her privacy more than he already had.

He crossed over to her bedroom and ran his hand along with the unwrinkled duvets. They looked dangerously untouched.

His eyes wandered over to the nightstand where he found 2 bottles of pills. He picked them up and examined the labels.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now