The High Lord - Epilogue (Part 2)

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   The black-robed magician stepped out of the newly repaired Northern Gates. As always, people stopped to stare and children yelled her name and began to follow.  Although Sonea hadn't yet completed her studies in Healing she had been allowed out into the city every afternoon for a month now, with an Escort, to administer healing to those in need.

   Rothen watched Sonea closely. Though he was acting as Escort today - it had been decided at the Meet after the preliminary meeting in the Evening Room that Rothen could Escort Sonea into the city if he wanted to in replacement of either of her usual Escorts, considering that she saw him as a Father and would never hurt him; that duty was not the reason for his concern. She was looking pale, ill, not like her usual self at all. Sensing his gaze, she glanced at him and smiled. He relaxed a little. As he had predicted, she had gained much from the work she had begun in the slums. He could see the joy she felt in helping her people, and the purpose in her step.

   The hospital by the gates had been built in a few short months, an idea of Akkarin's that had surprisingly made only a few protest; mainly those whose houses were nearby. He had expected it to take some time for the dwells to overcome their hatred and distrust of magicians but a crowd of them appeared the day it had opened and every day since.

   Sonea was the reason. They loved her. She had come from among them, had saved the city, and had returned to the slums to help them.

   Dorrien had been by her side from the start. His greater knowledge of Healing was essential, and his experience at earning the trust of farmers and foresters also helped him gain the dwells' confidence. Other Healers had joined them. It seemed Sonea was not the only magician who believed Healing should not be a service offered only to the rich Houses.

   As she reached the hospital and moved inside , Lord Darlen stepped forward to greet her.

   'How was the night shift?' she asked.

   'Busy.' He smiled ruefully. 'When isn't it? Oh, I found another potential recruit. A girl of about fifteen, named Kalia. She'll return later with her father, if he agrees to let her join us.'

   Sonea nodded. 'How are our supplies?'

   'Low, as always,' Darlen replied. 'I'll talk to Lady Vinara when I get back.'

   'Thank you, Lord Darlen,' Sonea said.

   Darlen nodded, and headed to the door. Sonea paused to look around the room. Following her gaze, Rothen took in the crowd of waiting patients, the handful of guards who had been employed to manage them, and the curies who had been hired for their knowledge of medicine to help with minor cases. Sonea suddenly drew in a sharp breath, then turned to a guard standing nearby.

   'That woman over there with the child wrapped in a green blanket. Bring her to me in my room.'

   'Yes, my lady.'

   Rothen started to look for the woman, but Sonea was already walking away. He followed her into a small room furnished with a table, a bed, and several chairs. She sat down and drummed her fingers on the table. Rothen pulled up a chair beside her.

   'You know this woman?'

   She glanced at him. 'Yes. It's—' She paused at a knock on the door. 'Come in.'

   He recognised the woman instantly. Sonea's aunt smiled and took the seat on the other side of the table.

   'Sonea. I was hoping it would be you.'

   'Jonna,' Sonea replied, smiling fondly but tiredly, Rothen noted. 'I wanted to come see you, but I've been so busy. How is Ranel? How are my cousins?'

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