The High Lord - Chapter 39: A New Position (Part 1)

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   A gentle warmth caressing Sonea's face woke her from her sleep.   Blinking in the low light of the room, dark curtains blocking out the afternoon sunshine, her gaze immediately fell upon Akkarin's sleeping face. She drew in a small sharp breath.   She had never seen him this peaceful, even during the time she watched him sleep in Sachaka.   He looked so much younger, like he hadn't faced all the horrific trials in his life.  She continued to watch him for several minutes, hardly daring to breathe.  She didn't want him to wake only to remember all that he, that they, had lost yesterday.   Especially Lorlen.

   A sudden and deep ache appeared in Sonea's chest at the thought of never seeing Lorlen striding through the University.  He had been so nice to her, she only wished that she could have seen him again rather than having her last memory of him begging her to stay in Kyralia.  Maybe he would still be alive if she had.

   A movement against her side bought her out of that dark place within her mind.  Akkarin's arms circled her waist and she slipped her hands beneath his arms so they could lie chest to chest, legs entangled.  His face tucked into her neck as she laid her cheek against the crown of his head.

   Sonea, listening to the pounding of Akkarin's heart, felt the rise and fall of his chest increase as he took shallower and shallower breaths.  She clutched him tighter as a small sob escaped, then another, and another.  The sound was heart-breaking.  Tentatively, Sonea brushed her mind against Akkarins, trying to give more support than just physically being there.

   Akkarin let a small stream of consciousness through, enough to let her feel his intense pain at losing Lorlen and his gratitude and love for her being there to comfort him.  Sonea's vision blurred as she held the strong, courageous man she had grown to love within her arms whilst he cried for the loss of his best friend.

   A while later, Akkarins sobs became less frequent and his breaths slowed and deepened.  Sonea felt his lips move against the skin of her neck,

   'Thank you.'  He breathed, barely audible, 'I am sorry you had to witness that.'

   Shocked, Sonea pulled away so that she could look him in the eye.   'Don't you dare be sorry.   You just lost your closest friend, and if I have to hold you every night for the next fifty years then so be it.'

   'I hope I don't feel like this for the next fifty years,' he whispered, looking away.

   Sonea freed an arm to place it gently against the side of his face, encouraging him to look back up at her.  'I'm not saying you will, but what I am saying is that I am always going to be there for you when you need me to be.'

   Akkarin pressed his lips into Soneas palm, 'and I am always going to be there for you.   No one but us knows what we've been through to achieve this.   I am never going to let you go, unless you want me to of course.'

   Hesitantly, Sonea leaned in and placed a light kiss upon his lips then rested her head against his. 'I don't want to let you go either.'

   This time it was Akkarin who instigated the kiss.   It started out slow and careful, desire coursed through her veins as Akkarin pulled her closer, the kiss becoming more passionate.  Sonea's hand threaded through his long silky hair as he left a trail of kisses up her jaw and down her neck.

   A knock at the door stopped them in their tracks.  Akkarin slumped, groaning in disappointment, as Sonea laughed lightly.

   Since Akkarin had ended up lying slightly on top of her, Sonea pressed lightly against his chest so that he rolled away to his side of the bed.

   Pushing herself up, Sonea leaned against the backboard and curled her legs beneath her.   Akkarin shuffled slightly so that they sat only inches apart, his long legs stretched out beneath the covers.

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