The High Lord - Epilogue 2 (Part 2)

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   The Meet that had followed the informal meeting the day after the conclusion of the Ichani Invasion had resulted in the same decisions that had been made during the informal meeting. However, there had been some additions and considerations added to the agenda by the members of the Guild.

   The first had been the location of the Black Magician's residence, and how it would be monitored.  This had been simple enough to sort out and Akkarin had been allowed to work on the designs with the architects.

   The second point was brought up by Akkarin.  He pointed out that there needed to be instructions on how to use black magic written down and hidden in a place where only a few people would know the location.  This would ensure that if all the Black Magicians died without passing on the knowledge, that the knowledge would not be lost and Imardin would not be left vulnerable again.

   It was agreed that Akkarin would write a book on black magic, superseding the account of the Ichani Invasion, and it would be hidden in a place only known by the Black Magicians and the Higher Magicians.

   The third point was that any potential Black Magicians, and therefore the current Escorts, had to undergo a full truth read by two Higher Magicians and one other trustworthy Magician; all of whom would be chosen at random.  This would ensure the character and trustworthiness of any potential Black Magicians and that history would not repeat itself.

   The point that followed was that a new set of vows needed to be written for a Black Magician.  Ones that they must follow or be executed.  The vows were written and reviewed between that Meet and the next and Sonea stood beside Akkarin as they spoke their new vows in front of the entire Guild and the King at the beginning of the following Meet.

   The fifth point was also brought up by Akkarin.  He wanted the Magicians to take regular Warrior skills classes and be taught how to deal with a rogue Black Magician.  He had stated that these classes would not be open to Novices and that inside the arena he or Sonea would be allowed to take on power equal to that of an Ichani for teaching purposes only.  

   As expected, this caused outrage throughout the Guild Magicians until Akkarin pointed out that a potential Black Magician could read his or Sonea's minds for any deception before the lesson.  This stipulation satisfied a large majority of the Guild Magicians, but the newly instated High Lord Balkan announced that the Higher Magicians would discuss this point further with Akkarin and Sonea and put forward a plan at the next Meet.

   It had been six months since that decision had been made, and a week since her wedding to Akkarin, and they were now stood facing half the Guild in the centre of the arena.  

   This hadn't been the first Guild Warrior session, but this was the first where Sonea was going to fight alongside Akkarin against the Guild as if they were Ichani.  For the previous four months of fighting, Akkarin had been teaching them techniques and tricks to use against a Black Magician without using any extra power, and had been fighting them alone without Sonea's help.

   Akkarin had been against the idea, considering how far along she was in her pregnancy.  Unfortunately, Lord Garrel had been quite vocal about the fact that they needed to know how to fight multiple Black Magicians sooner rather than later considering there were two Black Magicians living within the Guild and there could be more Ichani waiting for the Guild to let their guard down.  Quite a few people supported his protests and the Higher Magicians couldn't say no without giving them a reason; one which Sonea didn't feel comfortable sharing yet.

   Lady Vinara did say that the fighting wouldn't be harmful to her, or the baby, as long as she didn't overexert herself during the fight.  This seemed to pacify Akkarin slightly, but she could tell that he was still worried and he made her promise not to compromise on shielding or drain her power too severely.

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