The High Lord - Chapter 39: A New Position (Part 2)

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   It was nearly half four in the afternoon by the time Akkarin and Sonea left the house for their walk. They had left the house a little earlier to briefly freshen up in the baths, only offering nods towards any other magicians they had seen. Their cloaks fluttered over the ground as they started up the path towards the forest. They had decided against wearing the robes and had donned the simple garb of a dwell, much like the items of clothing Sonea had worn when she first lived in the Magicians Quarters with Rothen. So much has changed since then, Sonea reflected. She was now an extremely powerful black magician, the person she had hated was now her lover, and she had gained another family with Rothen and Dorrien. She would get to see them again tonight, at the meeting in the Night Room. She bit her lip as she thought about the summons to the meeting. Were they going to exile her and Akkarin again? Surely not, they had saved Imardin from being overthrown despite being exiled.

   Tentatively, Akkarin brushed his fingertips against the back of Soneas hand, she pushed all the negative thoughts out of her mind and smiled up at him, slipping her hand into his. He lifted her hand to his lips, smiling back at her with a softness in his eyes.

   The sun shone through the trees leaving a carpet of light and dark scattered over the forest floor. Their walk continued in a comfortable silence at a gentle pace so that by the time they reached the spring neither were severely winded.

   Akkarin sat on one of the rocks with a practised ease, leaning his back against the rock wall behind. Sonea hesitated, unsure whether he would want space to grieve, but her decision was made by Akkarin when he opened his arms as an invitation. She settled on the rock beside him, his arms pulling her close as she rested her head against his shoulder. She let out a small sigh of contentment and felt a light kiss brush the top of her head.

   Sonea listened to the bubbling of the spring and the loud chattering of the birds hidden in the branches of the forest as the sky slowly faded from blue to a light orange on the horizon. Akkarin broke the silence with a whisper.

   'Lorlen and I used to come up here to escape Lord Margen's lectures.'

   'Yes, I know. You told me that the last time we were here.'

   'Oh, yes, so I did. I'm sorry.'

   'No, it's ok. A lot has happened since then.'

   Akkarin chuckled.

   'Yes, a lot has happened since the last time we were here.' He gave Sonea a light squeeze, 'you were so afraid of me. I am sorry about that, Sonea, and I am sorry for what I made you do. It was necessary at the time although I deeply regret it now.'

   'I forgive you. And you didn't make me do anything, all the decisions I made were mine. You just pushed me in a certain direction, a direction that I needed to go.' Sonea looked up at him. 'I know how hard it was to shoulder everything that you went through, but it's over now. That part of your life is closed, and you can move onto the next chapter.'

   'Thank you.' His voice quiet, 'I couldn't have done it without you. You have changed me in a way I thought no one could, not even Lorlen.'

   He lapsed into silence. Sonea could hear and feel his breathing become a little sharper.

   'Tell me about him. What was he like? I only knew him as an Administrator.'

   'He is... was my best friend.' Akkarin stated after a few calming breaths. 'We were in the same intake but didn't instantly hit it off if you can believe that. We were the strongest magicians in our intake and were constantly competing to be the best. We soon realised that we could compete and still be friends, and it was then that we started getting into trouble.'

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