Chapter 5- The Other Way Around

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At the rooftop 

Alden: So what are you planning to do now?

Joshua: For what?

Alden: Barbie, damn it! Stop pretending you don't know what I'm talking about!

Joshua: Well... What do you have in mind?

Alden: You... You're not planning to use her to get to Derrick... Are you?

Joshua: You're right. There's that option too. *smiles*

Alden: Joshua! You...

Joshua: Don't get too worked up about this. Don't worry, I never planned to use her that way. It would be a waste if I did. *laugh*


              O_O Actually... Joshua, don't even think of making that moron's princess our next queen... It's too dangerous. 

Alden: Derrick's probably already heard about the two of you.

Joshua: You're probably right.

Alden: Aren't you worried?

Joshua: Not really.

Alden: Do you even know what the psycho did to all those other guys that tried to approach Barbie.

Joshua: I know very well.

Alden: Even if it's you, it's not going to be any easier.

Joshua: No need to worry... I'll just make her come to me.

At Barbie's school 

Barbie: *walking*

Joyce: Barbie! Yo! Barbie! Wait a second! *grab Barbie's bag*

Barbie: Agh! What now? *annoyed*

Joyce: You idiot! Are you really going to leave?

Barbie: YES!

Joyce: Don't you know what he did yesterday? Aren't you even scared? *worried*

Barbie: I know and I don't care.


                 I know very, very well... That's why, that's why I can't just leave things the way they are. 

Joyce: If you know then why are you going back? Are you out of your mind? *shouting at Barbie*

Lexi: That's right Barbie. Stop and think this through again. *pleading Barbie*

Barbie: *annoyed* Think about what? You guys don't have to come with me. I'll go alone. *walks away angrily*

Joyce: Barbie! Hey you! *shouting* Is she really crazy? Even though she went through all that yesterday? *angry*

Lexi: Let's just follow her and make sure she's alright.

Joyce: Arghh!! Because of that girl I'm never going to have a normal life. *angry*

Boys: *spying them*

Joyce: We're coming with you!!!

Boy: *called someone*

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