Chapter 3- Crazy Introduction

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Boy2: *smile* It's okay. Joshua doesn't hit girls. He might if he gets angry though.... So let's hurry. (drags Barbie)


               Okay, so... What does that mean? Is he going to hit me or not? Anyways, I think I did something wrong, but wait, was it because I yelled a little? 

Boy2: Joshua! I brought her!! Look! She is really pretty!

Joshua: Alden, be quiet... You are hurting my ears...

Alden: It's true though! Her head is small, her eyes are round, her hands are pretty and warm and she has nice legs. Her face is also a bit tanned but her neck is white, isn't that weird?

Joshua: So what?


                *teary eyes* My face isn't tanned! It is from the marker from this morning. Darn... I thought I washed it off completely... 

Alden: And there is a dot on her nose (points to Barbie's nose)

Barbie: (glares at Alden)

Joshua: (stares at Barbie)


                W.... Wait... Why is this guy staring at me? But this guy is no joke... He has eyes and nose that even my brothers would envy. His lips and his mysterious aura... Make me feel strangely attracted to him. 

Joshua: (stand)

Barbie: Ack

Joshua: (moves closer to Barbie) She could be useful.

Elmo: (looks at Joshua)

Alden: (smiles)

People: (shocked)


                What...? Useful...? Is.... Is he talking about me? 

Alden: See? See? I told you that she was pretty! (smiles to Joshua) Well, the color of her face is a bit weird, but I think it's because she didn't wash her face.


                (angry) He described me with a word that is commonly used on objects... That bastard! I'm as angry as hell right now. I want to take it out on him. 

Elmo: (taps Barbie) Pay up.


                Wha... What the heck is wrong with these people? 

Joshua: Jade*

Note: His name is Elmo, which mean Jade in Korean. It is a name more appropriate for girls. 

Elmo: (gets Joshua) You %$#@!! I told you not to call me Jade!! (angry)

Joshua: (smiles) Jade, calm down. I keep telling you that stress is bad for your health.

Elmo: Shut up, you %$#@! (angry)

Joshua: (smiles)


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