Returning Home

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(I'll be messing with the timeline a bit.  (sorry!))

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but the storyline and Artemis.

Clint's POV

I knew bringing the team to the farm might have it's repercussions, but we were beaten and needed a place.  On the plus side, I'd get to see my family again. Geez.. how long has it been?  9 months? Of course I called Laura a few times to check up on them, but I had only been away for this long once.   Needless to say, I was anxious as I landed the Quinjet.  I made my way inside, helping Nat up the stairs.

"Honey, I'm home."  I called, looking around for my very pregnant wife.  I smiled at her as she came out of the kitchen.  "Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead."

Laura smiles back at me as she approaches and replies with a "Hey."  We share a quick peck and I introduce her to the team.  We share a moment of awkward silence, when the youngest two of my three children came hurtling towards me.

"Dad!"  They both yell and barrel into my arms.  "Hey guys, how'ya doing?"

After I greet them both I look around for my other daughter.

"Where's Ari?"  I ask my wife, after coming to the conclusion that she probably wasn't in the house.

Her face falls a fraction as she gives me a one-word answer.


Artemis' POV

Running had always been an escape, a way out.

Now it wasn't even that.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved running and exerting myself, getting that nice burn on your calves that reminded you that you were working towards something, some goal.  You could loose yourself in the steady rhythm of your feet on the ground.  But now, running reminded me of Dad.  The jerk who didn't even bother to call,  congratulate me on making it to nationals, or send me a text on my freaking birthday.

"Stupid dad."  I muttered to myself after slowing to a walk at the end of my fifth mile. 

My cellphone buzzed in my pocket. It was Mom.


You may want to come back.

I sighed, I loved my mom, but she knew that I needed an out right now, just for a few hours.  But, seeing as she was my mom, I'd better head back.

About 35 minutes later I arrived at the farm, sweaty and out of breath, when I saw the avenger's Quinjet landed outside the house.  This brought an immediate scowl to my face.  Great, I thought, Just what I needed today.

Well, I reasoned with myself, At least I have work today.

I sighed and entered my house, prepared to face the music.

A handful of Avengers looked at me, wary, some had even drawn their weapons.  I gave a brief smile to them, gave them a nod of greeting, and went to get some water.

Nat was in the kitchen, trying, and failing, to work our old microwave.  I came up to her, wordlessly, and pressed a few buttons to warm up the few pieces of steak she had put in.  She looked at me and smiled, pulling me in for a hug, which I immediately backed out of.  "Listen, Nat, I am covered in sweat and dirt, you are in an expensive piece of equipment, which I'm pretty sure is dry-clean only.  Save the hug for after the shower, please."

Nat laughed, and pulled me in for a hug anyway, "It's good to see you, Ray."  I groaned at the nickname, "I thought we were past this, Nat.  That nickname is dead."

"Your father's out back with your siblings."  She said changing the subject, I grimaced,

"I think I'm good, thanks."  Nat looked at me in confusion.

"9 months without a single call or a text."  I said without skipping a beat, "Not even a 'Congratulations, you're going to nationals'  In fact, you're the only one who called me on my freaking birthday."

Nat frowned and looked outside, where I could see Dad trying to wrangle my horse, Stormwind.  Needless to say, it was not working.  

"I'll talk to him." Nat said, putting a hand on my shoulder, which drew my attention back to her. "If you're really avoiding him, you should probably go before he sees you."

Too late.  I heard a shout of "Ari!"  and saw Dad walking towards me, stepping inside the house via our sliding door.  I sighed and looked at him, backing up as he approached me.

"I really have no interest in talking to you, or really even being in your presence."  I said, curtly, and turned to Nat, "I'll be at work in 30 minutes, if anything happens you know where to find me."

With that, I turned on my heel and left Dad standing there, looking where I had previously been, confused.


Not a great chapter, I'll admit, but it did what I needed it to do.

As usual I really appreciate feedback and will most-likely reply.  Vote if you liked it, Comment if you didn't (or did, I'm not picky.)  And have a phenomenal day.


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